SS: A Disgrace To All of Journalism

This is a response to Secret Service’s “expose” about RPF. If you would like to read their full post, click here. We would advise you use a VPN before viewing any army posts.

The first thing we would like to address, is the person that doxxed another staff member. As stated in the screenshots in the SS post, Alfie messaged the affected person in private with a picture of one of their social media posts. Alfie was fired on the spot and eventually banned from the server.

Concerns of him doing something similar were raised. The similar incidents were Alfie trying to get other people to guess THEIR location. Alfie was warned for those actions as it was more a concern for their own internet safety.

All the pictures sent below and in the following statements were shared with the consent of the involving parties. Unlike Secret Service, we actually respect people’s privacy and their well-being.

Cy consenting to the Alfie conversations being shared.

The next thing that was addressed in the post, was the firing of a former RPF Staff member, Ellie. Even disregarding the complete lack of context provided by Secret Service, evident by all the hyperlinks explaining to Ellie the reason of her firing missing, I will not be going into detail even more about her firing. It is something that was an interpersonal conflict within RPF Staff, that did not involve or affect anyone outside of RPF Staff, especially the wider community of CPA. Every army has internal staff issues at some point, and unless a serious offense has occurred or something that would affect the overall community, nobody other than the parties involved are privy to those conversations.

Furthermore, it is important to note that Ellie and other members involved did not consent to those screenshots being shared, and also acknowledged and accepted the reasoning behind her firing.

Ellie showing she did not consent to the conversation between her and I regarding her termination to be shared and also consenting to me sharing this.

Ellie acknowledging and understanding the reasoning behind her termination.

Ellie consenting to the images being shared

Mads showing she did not consent to any of the information she was involved in to be shared

Last thing we would like to respond to are the extremely wild allegations made against former Rebel Commander and current RPF Advisor Elexonck in regards to an alleged relationship between current Rebel Commander Link3000.

The screenshots relating to said allegations were brought to my (Link3000’s) attention prior to the Secret Service post. I was as shocked to see them as the rest of the community, purely for the fact that they were completely fabricated. I can confirm that such relationship between Elex and myself never existed, nor anything even close to the rest of the allegations. The person that brought those screenshots to my attention was informed about the fact that they were fake, prior to the SS post.

The screenshots were clearly fabricated as they did not follow the standard Discord layout. Adding on to that, members of the Club Penguin Army Community were able to track the website that was used to generate those screenshots.

As you can see, Secret Service had no ground to stand and had to reach as far as they could to even find anything to “expose” us for. Unlike them, we care about the truth which is why we are bringing you this post.

We’ll see you on the battlefield as we keep increasing our win streak.

Link3000 | Rebel Commander


  1. SS is fucked up in the head. You have my permission to beat their asses up.


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