The Autumn Tundra Clash

To the Rebel Penguin Federation.

In the last few months we have witnessed the return of an army called the Secret Service. We have also witnessed an alarming pattern in their behaviour, that can only be described as power hungry. An army run by several members that have been banned from RPF for reasons you will read in this post, Secret Service has tried to play a dirty game against RPF, but we will not allow it. Continue reading for the full post.

Secret Service recently concluded a war against the Templars and had been very vocal about their dislike towards our allies, the Army of Club Penguin. To our surprise, Secret Service agreed to sign a NAP – a Non Aggression Pact – with Army of Club Penguin. Just in the past couple days, they reached out to other brother allies, the Water Vikings for a NAP after specifically asking them, if they are allied with us.

Over the course of the last few weeks, SS has been slowly building up its alliances with Help Force, Elite Guardians, Aliens and others, as well as signing – or attempting to sign – NAPs with our allies. If their hope is to avoid conflict for despicably by bribing and buying armies’ peace and by extension silence RPF, then they’re sorely mistaken. SS you can resort to cowardly tactics but RPF will not be afraid of your ilk. We always stand up to injustice and abhorrent behavior and remain true to our motto – Fight The Good Fight!

Below you will find information about who Secret Service truly is.

Their HCOM and Advisory consists of several individuals who have been banned from RPF. Too many banned people in the house, let’s turn the sound up. You know why, I think it’s time for a banned list round up.

Silverburg – Former RPF Leader and Advisor. Current SS Advisor

Message from SIlverburg to RPF Leader Link3000

Dox threats after he was banned

Silverburg equating the term autistic for the r word

Lord Pain – Former RPF Leader. Current SS Advisor

Lord pain saying he would put ACP in gas chambers

Lord Pain sharing the same views and same hateful words

Lord Pain endorsing RFCP, an army for their leader having inappropriate sexual relationships with minors.

Bschar – Former RPF Officer. Current SS High Command

One could argue that some of these screenshots are not recent, however to quote SS’ declaration against the Templars, given the context of these pictures “Regardless of whether or not it took place in 2021, we decided that people should be made aware.”

Here are also some more recent examples of SS leadership making transphobic and racist remarks and “jokes”.

We refuse to be dragged into SS’ cowardly attempts at a dirty war, so we are taking a stance ourselves. RPF is known as the army that doesn’t tend to go get themselves into war, but we do enter conflict when our values have been challenged. We refuse to be disrespected like this, and we take hard stances against armies whose leadership shows such disgusting behaviour. So with that,

The Rebel Penguin Federation hereby declares war on the Secret Service

War Terms

1. This is a head on war between the Rebel Penguin Federation and the Secret Service (1v1), no other armies shall intervene in this war. No other army can declare on SS or RPF for the duration of this conflict.
2. No Allies/Alliances nor colonies allowed (or any external help whatsoever). Colonies of either army (and colonies of any other armies either allies, neutrals, enemies) are not allowed in this war, meaning colonies of any army cannot either invade or declare war on RPF and SS until the war is over or a treaty is reached.
3. No dual enlistment assistance (from any army either allied, neutral or even enemies).
4. No server transfers (neither army shall send nor receive servers from any other army either allied, neutral, or enemies) after this declaration until the war is finished or a treaty is reached.
5. No multilogging, doxxing, or ddosing, hacking, event raiding or harrassement of any sort.
6. Any evidence of suggested multilogging, botting or dual enlistment/use of allies/an alliance/colonies/armies merged, or any other breaching of war terms after this declaration and after a review by CPA Admins, will result in loss of the war.
7. All battles must be judged by CPAJ officiated judges. CPA and CPAJ rules of invasions and defense will apply to all battles in this war. All CPA League Map and CPA Battleground rules apply. All battles are to be scheduled on CPA Battleground
8. All invasions must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance, and the planner of said invasions must notify the defending army’s leaders in the invasion-schedule channel in CPA. Failure to do this will render the invasion invalid.
9. No army can merge/colonize into SS or RPF after this declaration (until this war is over) and the merger will be deemed invalid. If members of said merged army decide to participate, the battle will result in the unconditional surrender of the aggressor.
10. Any loopholes found in this treaty abused by either army in their favor will cause in the unconditional surrender of the aggressor thus losing the entire war.
11. The losing army in this conflict must accept the terms of a treaty imposed by the winning side.
12. No side may make alterations to these war terms during the course of the war by any means whatsoever. Attempting to do so will result in automatic defeat of that side
13. A withdrawal from this conflict for any reason and in any shape or form (e.g. withdrawing from the server map, withdrawing from the CPA league, shutting your army down, etc.) will constitute a forfeit of the war.

Gabgeirl – Rebel Commander

Link3000 – Rebel Commander


  1. If SS hurts you guys, let me know.

    I’ll be there for you during this war as a friend and as a cheerleader

    (TCP friend that is neutral)

  2. daffy duck/anorak25635

    this war will change everything

  3. Nothing Was The Same

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