Troop Interviews – Buhn, Lawless and empy

This week marks the ninety-seventh official edition of  “Troop Interviews”, where a team of interviewers (currently Ella, Lemur, Mads, Mary, Patro and Roogy) asks two or more people questions. Interviews won’t have the same questions; each interview’s purpose is to show originality and have its unique highlights. Along with that, the questions asked to give us a better understanding of each troop and how different or similar everyone is in the community. There’s an exponential amount of members here in the Rebel Penguin Federation, so it won’t be easy to get to everyone who requests an interview. The Rebel Broadcast Team graciously appreciates the patience you all have and hope to see you guys in a post one day!

This edition, we will be having 3 interviews, with Buhn, Lawless and empy


For this edition, I, lemur, will be your host! To begin, Patro interviewed Buhnny, a new Brigadier General!

What is the story behind your nickname?

First, Patro asked Buhnny about the origin behind her username!

Buhnny responded sharing bunnies are an animal she finds cute, and the bunny ear item inspired her to create her username.

What has been your favourite RPF event so far, and why?

Then Patro asked what event Buhnny has enjoyed most in her time in RPF so far.

Buhnny responded with the Card Jitsu events during our Summer Olympics 2024, explaining that “It was a lot of fun playing against each other and mixing it up!”

Where is your favourite place?

For the third question, Patro asked where she enjoys to be the most.

Buhnny responded that she loves to be outside, in particular going camping, and also remarked that she believes “Upstate New York is beautiful!”

What is the menu to a meal of your favourite food? (starter, main course & dessert)

Fourthly, Buhnny was asked what her dream meal would be!

Buhnny responded with a delicious sounding fried calamari, followed by blue cheese buffalo chicken pizza, topping it off with toasted almond ice-cream!

If you had a time machine, would you travel to the past or the future?

Next up, Patro asked Buhnny if she would travel to the past or the future, given the chance.

Buhnny shared she would love to go back to the medieval ages as it fascinates her, but only if there was a way to return!

Sum up the life of an RPF Brigadier General in one word!

To conclude the interview, Patro asked Buhnny what word best describes being a Brigadier General.

Buhnny responded enthusiastically, stating she finds it exciting! With a lot of unique experiences and responsibilities, I don’t disagree!

With that, we conclude Buhnny’s interview! Thanks to her for allowing us to have this interview!


Next, Mary interviewed Empy, one of our new Sergeants!

How long have you been in RPF?

To begin the interview, Mary asked Empy how long she has been a part of our server!

Empy responded, sharing she has been in RPF for around 2 weeks!

Do you have any ranks or goals you would like to achieve in RPF?

Mary then asked Empy if she had any goals in mind for RPF

Empy responded sharing she did not have much in mind, but would like to at least attend 1-2 events per week. A laid back approach is always welcomed!

Which type of events do you like the best?

Thirdly, Empy was asked which events she enjoys the most.

She responded sharing her favourite type of events are “anything with a minigame”, despite the short time she has been around! I certainly don’t believe anyone would disagree!

What is your favourite food?

Penultimately, Mary asked Empy about her favourite food.

She responded sharing that her favourite food is pizza! Can’t go wrong with a nice cheesy slice unless it has pineapple!

How did you come up with your username?

To round of the interview with Empy, Mary inquired how she came up with her username.

Empy shared that her CPJ username (timekeep) was based off a fictional character, whereas her Discord username (empire/empy) was based off her love for royal imagery!

And that includes our second interview of this edition! Thanks to Empy for allowing us to interview her!


To conclude, Mads interviewed Lawless, one of our Major Generals!

What made you join RPF and strive for your position as mod?

To begin the interview with Lawless, Mads asked why she joined RPF, and what inspired her to continue to her current mod position!

Lawless shared that her reason for joining was a returned favour for her friend, and RPF Veteran, JJ! As for her reason for staying, she made many great friends and wanted to aid the community!

What was your first impression of events?

Next up, Mads inquired what Lawless thought about her first events!

Lawless shared that at first, like many new members, she found it confusing, however when she got used to it found it lots of fun, especially leading into the Legends Cup Tournament! I’m sure lots of members can relate!

What song best describes your experience in RPF so far?

Lawless was then asked which song sums up her RPF experience best.

After some thinking, she responded with YMCA by the Village People! Great choice if I do say so myself.

What party or Olympics theme would you like to see?

Mads then asked Lawless what party or Olympics theme she wants to see happen in RPF

Lawless remarked how she would love to see an Olympics based on the Persona series, and a party themed around valentines including secret admirers! Very cute ideas!

If you could only keep one core memory from RPF, which would you choose?

Rounding off the interview, and this issue, Mads asked Lawless which core memory she would keep.

Lawless recalled the Jeopardy event! She loved the experience of going against the other branch head to head, and everyone being so supportive. Great choice once again!

Thanks for letting us interview you Lawless!

And with that, we conclude this edition of troop interviews! Thank you again to Buhnny, Empy and Lawless for allowing us to interview you, and to all of YOU, the readers, for tuning in! We hope you stick around and read the next one! 

If you have any inquiries, or would like to be interviewed in the next one, be sure to DM any of the following: Ella, Lemur, Mads, Mary, Patro or Roogy


Everyone keeps telling me how my story is supposed to go. Nah, I'm going to do my own thing.

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