Troop Interviews: Joke, Mollsr and Patty

This week marks the 102th official edition of “Troop Interviews”, where a team of interviewers (currently Ella, Lemur, Madz, Artistic, Buhnny, and T_T) asks two or more people questions. Interviews won’t have the same questions; each interview’s purpose is to show originality and have its unique highlights. Along with that, the questions asked to give us a better understanding of each troop and how different or similar everyone is in the community. There’s an exponential amount of members here in the Rebel Penguin Federation, so it won’t be easy to get to everyone who requests an interview. The Rebel Broadcast Team graciously appreciates the patience you all have and hope to see you guys in a post one day!

For this edition we have three interviews, with the troops featured being Joke, Mollsr & Patty!


To kick things off, our General Artistic23 interviewed Officer Cadet Joke!

How long have you been in RPF?

Beginning the interview, Art asked Joke how long he had been in the RPF for. Joke replied, sharing that he had been in the RPF for just over a month, loving every second of his time so far in the server!

How did you join the server?

For his next question, Joke was asked how he joined the RPF. In response, Joke answered that he had stumbled across the server all the way back in 2020, joining through a CPR PSA guide, followed by him leaving a week later due to all the event pings. After getting back into Club Penguin through CPJ, he returned to the server remembering how helpful it was for him on CPR!

Do you have any goals you’d like to reach in RPF?

Art then asked Joke, if he had any goals he’d like to reach in the RPF! Joke shared his goals to work up the ranks, until he reaches General, mentioning his time in other servers as staff and how he enjoys being able to utilize that experience to make an impact; with him helping out where he can, reporting situations that make him uncomfortable or when messages that should be filtered get sent in main. He remarks that even little things like those develop the culture of the RPF, and help out the RPF staff do their jobs which makes him all the more happy to do them!

Besides RPF, what do you like to do for fun?

Next up, when asked about what he does for fun outside of RPF, Joke spoke about daydreaming! He’s had a story in his head since he was 11 and he enjoys developing it, promising to himself to write it down someday! When he isn’t staring into space, or listening to a themed playlist, you can find him playing puzzle games either on his own or with friends or building the latest lego flower set, with him having an entire table in his room dedicated to some of his plastic plants!

Is there any fun facts about you, you’d like to share?

Joke shares some fun facts about himself. He loves food, and when whenever him and his family go on vacation he’s tasked with finding good restaurants. Joke recalls that he grew up watching Diners Drive-ins and Dives, which he mentions likely had something to do with it. He also shares that he took some self defense classes in college, to learn the most common threat triggers, so he could be more open and welcoming to people! Lastly, he has a party trick where he can hear loud sounds and tell people how many decibels the sound is!

What’s some of your favorite food?

Mentioning his love for food earlier, Art asked Joke what some of his favorite foods were! Joke lists a few answers, a Ceaser salad with Texas toast croutons and lemon pepper chicken, topped with fresh parmesan cheese shavings. A mac and cheese BBQ pulled pork panini, made with house BBQ sauce, and pressed until the cheese is crispy on the edges. Garlic fries with a poppy seed honey mustard dipping, and a banana creme brulee, topped with caramelized slices. Lots of delicious picks!

What has been the best part of your experience in the RPF?

Last but not least, Art asks Joke what the best part of his experience in the RPF has been. Joke talks about his experience with all the Social Media Team and Rebel News Media posts, from the TOTW interviews to Tuxedo Times to Behind the Signature Items! He shares that he particularly enjoys learning more about his fellow RPF members!

Thank you for the interview, Joke!


Next up, is our Brigadier General Mollsr, being interviewed by General Buhnny!

How did you initially discover the RPF?

To start things off, Buhnny asked Molls how she initially discovered the RPF. Molls answered that she first found out about the RPF through being recruited in game all the way back in 2013, later re-discovering the group in search for a mascot tracker for CPJ!

What has been your favorite RPF experience so far, and what are you hoping to see in the future?

Continuing the interview, Molls was asked what her favorite RPF experience has been so far, and what she hopes to see in the future. Molls recalled that winning Christmas Chaos XIV was her RPF favorite experience, feeling a rush of adrenaline as main chat went wild with victory celebrations! Molls shared her hopes for future, stating that she can’t wait to see the server grow more and win more battles!

What are some fun facts about you?

For her next question, Buhnny asked Molls for some fun facts about herself! In response, Molls shared that she had the opportunity to solo travel Japan for two months, remarking that her visit was the trip of a lifetime! Molls also shared that she loves science, more specifically biology and that she’s been playing Club Penguin since 2008 and has way too much merch for it!

If you could go back in time, where you go and why?

Next up, Buhnny asked Molls where she would go and why, if she was able to travel to the past. Molls replied that she loves the band Queen and has always wished to see them to live, and would likely go back in time to view their iconic performance at BandAid!

What is some advice you have for newer troops?

Closing off the interview, Molls was asked for advice she has for newer troops. Molls gave the following advice to newer troops, telling them not to be afraid to speak up in main and reply to peoples messages or to just have fun in general! She also brought up how its been the most active server she’s been in, being a bit scary at first, with her now being unable to see herself leaving anytime soon with all the friends she’s made!

Thank you for the interview, Molls!


To end things off, I interviewed Lieutenant General Patty!

How long have you been around in the RPF?

I first asked Patty how long she had been around in the RPF for. Patty responded, saying the question was a bit tricky to answer. She first joined the server at the end of March in 2020, retiring in January of 2021; Followed by her rejoining the server at the start of 2024, not becoming active till the summer! Putting the time she’s been around for at either 5 years, or just a year!

How different would you say your life would be had you never joined the RPF?

Secondly, I asked Patty how different their life would be had she never joined the RPF. She replied, sharing that it would be wildly different, learning many things about life through the friends she made in the RPF, with some even impacting her personal life. Though she does add she isn’t fully sure exactly how it would be different.

What would say you is the most important responsibility of being an officer?

For her third question, Patty was asked what the most important responsibility of being an RPF officer was to them. In response, Patty shared that she tries to make sure main chat is a comfortable environment for everyone to be in, mentioning how she believes that if people didn’t feel like they could talk in RPF, there’d be no RPF!

What would you say is your proudest accomplishment as a staff member?

Next up, I asked Patty what she considered her proudest accomplishment as a staff member to be. She starts her answer off stating she isn’t sure what she’d classify as an accomplishment, then talking about her contributions to the Rebel News Media and Tuxedo Times teams, with her activity and timeliness as a whole being a proud accomplishment for her!

Do you hope to reach HCOM status one day?

For her following question, Patty was asked if she hoped to reach HCOM status one day, with her replying that reaching HCOM was a goal of hers as staff in 2020 and one that she still holds to this day, hoping to be Third in Command by the end of the year!

If you had a time machine, would you travel to the past or to the future?

Lastly, I asked Patty if she would travel to the past or the future if she had a time machine, responding that she’d definitely go to the future, wanting to know if she had a stable job and a house in 30 years. 😭

Thanks for the interview, Patrick.

That’s it for this edition of Troop Interviews! Thank you to everyone that took the time to read through this far, and thank you to all the lovely people that allowed us to interview them to make this post possible!

Stay tuned for future Troop Interviews posts, and if you’d like to be interviewed next reach out to any member of the Rebel Broadcast Team!

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