Troops Interviews: Ruokannie & Stevos

In the 98th edition of Troop Interviews, the Rebel News Media team speaks to newly promoted Brigadier General’s Ruokannie and Stevos!

Troop Interviews sees a team of inquisitive interviewers, currently Ella, Lemur, Mads, Mary, Patro, and Roogy, chat with members of the Rebel Penguin Federation to learn more about them and their experiences in the army.

We’re thrilled to be speaking with two wonderful Rebels in this edition who have just this week been promoted into the staff ranks – so there’s plenty to chat about!


First, Roogy interviewed Brigadier General Ruokannie, also known as Annie to their friends.

What was the reason you initially joined RPF?

To kick off the interview Roogy asked Annie about how they joined RPF! Shockingly, given the current war, Annie started out in the Secret Service for a week before they discovered the RPF Discord via one of our CP Journey events.

Would there be any advice you want to give to other newer troops in RPF?

In their answer to this question, Annie opened up about how being an introvert was difficult at first when joining RPF. But by engaging with our members in our wonderful community, they were able to integrate and come to love the army even more!

What’s your favourite kind of animal?

This is always a fun question – they say you can tell a lot about someone based on what their favourite animal is! Annie’s favourite animal is the Elephant!

What are some of your hobbies?

Keen to get to know Annie better, Roogy asked about Annie’s hobbies. Annie discusses how they love to be creative – drawing, painting, writing and impressively, crocheting and holiday card making!

What’s your favourite RPF memory?

Annie reminisces fondly about the Summer Olympics, which they describe as the “most fun competitive environment they’ve ever participated in”!

What are some random fun facts about you?

To conclude the interview, Roogy asks Annie about some random fun facts. Annie describes themselves as very clumsy – and even fell off a cliff once before walking to their birthday party later that day! Wow!


Roogy also conducted an interview with Brigadier General Stevos.

How long have you been a part of RPF?

Stevos revealed he actually first joined the RPF over 7 years ago, in 2017, during the days of CP Rewritten. Although as he didn’t understand armies, he didn’t try to rank up or engage as much in the community.

What goal do you have for yourself that you’re hoping to achieve in RPF?

Since this interview took place, Stevos has completed his short-term goal of joining the staff ranks! Congratulations, Stevos! You certainly made fast work of that one!

Do you have any pets? If you do, tell us a little about them!

Stevos spoke with love about his chihuahua/shiba inu mix, called Nacho!

If you could plan an event, what would it be like?

As a huge Pokémon fan, Stevos tells Roogy he would love to see an event where attendees dress up as their favourite Pokémon!

What place would you like to travel to the most?

To finish off, Roogy asked  Stevos which place in the world he’d love to travel to! Stevos answered that the United Kingdom has lots of cool and interesting landmarks that he’d love to visit!

That concludes the latest edition of Troop Interviews. A huge thank you to Ruokannie and Stevos for participating, Roogy for conducting these brilliant interviews, and everyone who taken the time to read.

If you have any questions or would like to be interviewed in the next edition, please contact via direct message any member of the Troop Interviews team: Ella, Lemur, Mads, Mary, Patro, or Roogy.


His eyes flicked around the hall, catching for a moment on my face. I could not help myself. I smiled.

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