Tuxedo Times – Issue #219

══ ⋆★⋆ TUXEDO TIMES ⋆★⋆ ══

Legends Cup is in full swing, and the Rebels are continuing to train, hype, and attend battles for the biggest tournament of the year. Find out how our last week of June went below!

You can check the latest edition of Tuxedo Times with the .tuxedotimes command!

—◊ Weekly Maxes and Averages ◊—

—◊ Maxes ◊—

AUSIA: 20 (4⇑)
EU: 33 (7⇑)
US: 21 (4⇑)

—◊ Averages ◊—

AUSIA: 19 (3⇑)
EU: 25 (1⇑)
US: 19 (3⇑)

Total: 21 (2⇑)

—◊ Weekly News ◊—

Our 299th Troop of the Week is… Patro!! Since joining just a few weeks ago at an exciting and busy time for RPF, Patro has been spending a lot of time in our server, whether it’s chatting with other troops or attending and hyping our latest events for Legends Cup!! Despite the intensity of the recent trainings and battles, Patro has been doing wonderfully to keep up and stand out! For this reason, he has earned himself the title of this week’s TOTW!! Be sure to congratulate Patro in chat when you see him around!

Speaking of trainings and battles, the Legends Cup tournament continues, and we’ve made it to the Semifinals! GO REBELS!! Now we must focus our attention to our next battle coming up this Sunday against our very own brother allies, the Water Vikings. They are worthy opponents and we will need to bring our very best to beat them, so keep attending training events throughout the week and hype up the battle! Don’t forget, you can keep earning giveaway points towards #lcxiv-giveaway-info by attending trainings and battles!!

Club Penguin Legacy has been busy putting out new catalogs, and of course some hidden items along with them! Check out our guides for the CPL June Sports Catalog Secrets as well as CPL’s June Furniture Catalog Secrets, brought to you by our very own Club Penguin News Team!!

—◊ By the Numbers ◊—

How many rebels got promoted this week?

With a total of 12 new promotions, there were…

1 Major General
1 Officer Cadet
2 Colonels
2 Specialists
1 Sergeant
1 Corporal

How many event pics were sent in #event-pics during the first round of Legends Cup on Saturday?

There were 275 pictures of our victory! Big thanks to everyone who helped take these wonderful pics, and of course to those who attended!!

How many times was Legends Cup hyped in main chat in the past week?

With mentions of “Legends Cup“, “LC“, and “LCXIV“, the tournament was mentioned a total of 82 times in #main-chat during the week! Let’s keep that hype up as we go into this week preparing for the Semifinals!!

—◊ Tuxedo Comics ◊—

Us when we can’t stop hyping and shaking from excitement that the biggest tournament of the year is here, and the Rebels are slaying!! Thanks to Lemur for this lovely comic as we continue to hype up LCXIV!!

—◊ Challenge of the Week ◊—

For this challenge of the week, Mads prepared a maze for Legends Cup!! Help the Rebels get to the trophy!

DM LittySkitty on Discord the completed maze for a prize of 1000 Rebel Cash and to progress towards the Smart Rebel Summer role!

—◊ Division Recap ◊—

—◊ Sunday ◊—


Max: 20
Avg: 19

Heya rebels! For Operation: Smoothing The Bumps we logged onto Tuxedo – CPAB for another training for LCXIV! We wore our RPF uniforms as we practiced doing strong forms and fast tactics! Thanks to everyone for joining us, be sure to click below for more about how smoothly this event went!

Click here for the full report!

—◊ Tuesday ◊—


Max: 21
Avg: 19

Operation: Legendary Leis saw rebels log onto CPJBlizzard wearing their favorite leis! We hula danced into forms and performed swift tactics to train for the upcoming Legends Cup Tournament! You can read the full event post below!

Click here for the full report!

—◊ Wednesday ◊—


Max: 20
Avg: 20

Today we logged onto Tuxedo – CPAB for Operation: Ravioli, Ravioli, Give Me the Formuoli! We wore our classic RPF uniform while practicing a variety of forms for the Legends Cup! Our forms were fantastic, our movements swift, and our transitions beautiful! Check out the post below for more!

Click here for the full report!

—◊ Thursday ◊—


Max: 23
Avg: 23

With our first Legends Cup battle right around the corner, we rebels participated in a judged practice battle to sharpen our skills. We faced off with the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin on CPAB – Warzone for our Operation: A Gaggle of Guardians. It was a fierce battle with both armies giving their all, but only one could win. Click below to see who it was!

Click here for the full report!

—◊ Saturday ◊—


Max: 33
Avg: 32

The day we have been waiting for has finally arrived, with Operation: Templar Takedown! This battle, filled with perfected tactics and polished formations, was the first step along the road to winning Legends Cup! We hopped on CPAB – Battleground in classic uniform to show the Templars what we were made of… click the link below to see who won!

Click here for the full report!

– Tuxedo Times Team: Moonlemur, Ellie02, Nana5757, Mads, Mary, and LittySkitty


I choose you! :)

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