══ ⋆★⋆ TUXEDO TIMES ⋆★⋆ ══
Check out how our week went settling down from the hustle and bustle of the Olympics! The week focused on our troops and community, with multiple new RBT column releases, a U-Lead event, and a musical event in which troops submitted their own tactics!! Read all about it below!
You can check the latest edition of Tuxedo Times with the .tuxedotimes command!
—◊ Weekly Maxes and Averages ◊—
—◊ Maxes ◊—
EU: 55 (12⇓)
US: 31 (15⇓)
—◊ Averages ◊—
EU: 46 (11⇓)
US: 29 (14⇓)
Total: 32 (6⇓)
—◊ Weekly News ◊—
Breaking Broadcast News
This week, the Rebel Broadcast Team took great initiative to bring you the inside scoop on select RPF members! They first released the A Day in the Life column, where troops and staff discussed their lives outside of being a Rebel. The Broadcast Team then interviewed stylish individuals regarding their unique Club Penguin fashion choices in this fresh and flashy edition of Behind the Signature Items! Last but most certainly not least, the beloved Pet Column has made its return once again! Stay tuned for the next set of interviews!
Miggy Makes Her Mark
Whether it’s her impressive art, event enthusiasm, or genuine kindness to others, Captain Miggy Waddles is well deserving of the #321 Troop of the Week award! Joining in December, she has quickly embraced the dedication and passion it takes to be a star Rebel. Without faulter, Miggy has been a consistent participant in server activities, even earning many exclusive roles from her efforts since she arrived. Although her journey has just begun, we’re excited to see what achievements come next! Congratulations and excellent work, Miggy!
—◊ By the Numbers ◊—
How many rebels got promoted last week?
With a total of 31 new promotions, there were…
2 Officer Cadets
1 Colonel
3 Majors
3 Lieutenants
3 Specialists
9 Sergeants
3 Corporals
7 Privates
How many tactics were led at our U-Lead event?
In Operation: Return of the Gradient, troops were given the chance to lead tactics in this U-Lead event! Throughout the whole event, 41 tactics were led by a total of 15 different people, out of our 31 max!
How many lyric tactics were submitted for our musical DJ event?
For Operation: Spinning Track-tics in which we donned the colorful neon Beat Dropper Hat, we all got to be the DJ!! Everyone was given the chance to submit lyric tactics to be used at the event, and in the end, a total of 59 tactics were submitted!
—◊ Challenge of the Week ◊—
For this challenge of the week, our Colonel Megloveniall came up with the idea for a Jigsaw Puzzle to hype up CPJ’s Festival of Flight party arriving today!! Click the image below to play!
DM LittySkitty on Discord your completed puzzle to progress towards the Cracked the Ice role!
—◊ Division Recap ◊—
—◊ Sunday ◊—
Max: 55
Avg: 54
After a long week of fierce competition, teams Nemui, Denki, and Shinka battled it out one last time on CPAB – Tuxedo for this closing ceremony. In Operation: Winter Olympics 2025 Closing Ceremony, all three teams came together one last time to celebrate a week of competition and teamwork in this half-event-half-battle. Congratulations to Team Nemui for placing first in this Olympics, and thank you to all the Rebels who took part. To see how our closing ceremony went, click the link below!
Click here for the full report!
—◊ Tuesday ◊—
Max: 38
Avg: 37
Wool, wool, wool, what could the Rebels be getting up to now that the Olympics are over? Obviously, logging on to CPJ – Blizzard at the Docks ready to BAAAH-ring the energy! Ewe better believe that Operation: Sheepish Rebels found us performing ewe-nique tactics in our sheep costumes and fluffy formations all across the island. We had such a wool-derful time! A huge thank ewe to all for participating, click below to read more about this event!
Click here for the full report!
—◊ Wednesday ◊—
Max: 31
Avg: 29
Oh my gosh, is that a beautiful rainbow? Nope, it was the Rebels showing their wonderful rank color themed outfits in Operation: Return of the Gradient. We logged onto CPJ – Sleet and did some colorful tactics and formations that showed our true colors to everyone. We hope that this event painted a beautiful smile on your face with all the pretty colors. To read more about this colorful event, click the post below!
Click here for the full report!
—◊ Thursday ◊—
Max: 31
Avg: 31
The Rebels logged onto CPJ – Sleet and jammed out in Operation: Spinning Track-tics. With our amazing beat-dropper hats and lyrical tactics, we had a whole dance party around the island. We had some fun lyrics that were used throughout this event, which our wonderful Rebels were able to suggest beforehand! Our dj-ing skills were even better than DJ Maxx’s! 😉 Thank you all so much for coming to this harmonic event, and if you’d like to read more about it, click the post below!
Click here for the full report!
—◊ Saturday ◊—
Max: 20
Avg: 19
When did they add PVP to Club Penguin? Well anyway, in this training event on CPAB – Tuxedo, the Rebels grabbed their swords (mostly balloon swords honestly) and came out to sharpen them in Operation: Sword Polishing. In this event, we dueled throughout the island, sharpening our tactics and honing our forms. Hard work goes into being the most tactical army you know. To see how we did, click the link below for this event’s post!
Click here for the full report!
– Tuxedo Times Team: Moonlemur, Mads, Ohasa, Patro, Buhnny, Tulip, Patty, Annie, Lehky, and LittySkitty
Another great Tuxedo Times! Thanks for the puzzle and quick read 🙂 HYPED FOR FESTIVAL OF FLIGHTS WOOOOOO