══ ⋆★⋆ TUXEDO TIMES ⋆★⋆ ══
Work hard, play hard: March Madness training continues as we progress in the tournament, and parties are celebrated on the island of Club Penguin! Check out the latest news and event recaps below!
You can check the latest edition of Tuxedo Times with the .tuxedotimes command!
—◊ Weekly Maxes and Averages ◊—
—◊ Maxes ◊—
AUSIA: 19 (1⇓)
EU: 40 (14⇑)
US: 29 (2⇑)
—◊ Averages ◊—
AUSIA: 19 (1⇓)
EU: 37 (13⇑)
US: 28 (3⇑)
Total: 28 (5⇑)
—◊ Weekly News ◊—
Onward We March to Semis!
We washed away the Water Vikings during the March Madness X Quarter Finals, dominating all 3 rooms swimmingly! Next stop: Semi Finals against our allies, Army of Club Penguin! The battle commences this Saturday, March 22nd, and if we are victorious, we will be marching towards the Grand Finals on April 6th.
Continue attending battles and training events to further our undefeatable crusade! By participating, you will qualify for giveaways, rebel cash, and receive Prize Booth tickets for Operation: Centurion! More tournament information can be located in the #mmx-info and #mmx-giveaway-info channels in our Discord.
Crowning Kyberteef
In the short span of a month, Kyberteef has made stellar leaps to being both a positive asset and welcoming friend in our community. For their kind, humorous spirit and impressive attendance, they earned the legendary pink title as Troop of the Week #329! Ranking at Corporal, Kyberteef’s journey as a rebel has just begun, with many more achievements to surely follow. Congratulations, Kyberteef!
Pirates, Puffles, and Partying Penguins!
CPJourney’s Puffle Party is in full swing until April 1st! With new game installations and exciting activities to explore with your fluffy sidekicks, our Club Penguin News Team put together a party overview and quest guide covering the fur-tastic fun!
Trade in your puffle costume for an umbrella, because The Great Storm has reached CPLegacy’s shores until March 23rd! Pirate Waitaha’s ship is stranded on the island, but with help from his mateys and our CPNews task guide, he will sail the seas once again!
—◊ By the Numbers ◊—
How many rebels got promoted last week?
With a total of 23 new promotions, there were…
1 General
1 Lieutenant General
1 Captain
1 Specialist
2 Corporals
17 Privates
How many igloos did we visit in Operation: Party At My Igloo?
Last Friday saw the Rebels take an adventure around the island neighborhood, raiding igloos and helping each other earn stamps. In an event that ended up lasting over an hour and a half (!), we raided a total of 29 igloos!! Way to go, Rebels!
How many people have used the economy since its comeback?
On March 11th, we announced the return of our Rebel Cash economy!! Since then, 147 people have gained rebel cash through various ways and have been placed on the leaderboard. Want to see where you place? Run the .lb or .lb page# command in our #bots channel to see it for yourself!!
How many .shop and .workshop roles have been purchased since the economy came back?
In the first 10 days since enjoying the comeback of our Rebel Cash economy, 54 role purchases have been made! Curious what’s been purchased the most? Here’s the breakdown:
Fledgling – 24 purchases
Barista – 16 purchases
AFK Miner – 9 purchases
Baby Jesus – 2 purchases
– 2 purchases
Express – 1 purchase
—◊ Challenge of the Week ◊—
For this challenge of the week, Mads and Artistic23 worked together to create a Word Scrambler puzzle all about March Madness and St. Patrick’s Day! Unscramble the 14 words below to get to the pot of gold! (aka Rebel Cash prize and Centurion tickets!!)
DM LittySkitty on Discord your completed puzzle for 2 tickets towards Operation: Centurion, 500 Rebel Cash, and to progress towards the In Bloom Intellect role!
—◊ Division Recap ◊—
—◊ Sunday ◊—
Max: 19
“Don’t turn me into a marketable plushie!” said the froggle, but alas it was too late. Because for Operation: Plushie Penguins, the Rebellion brought out their puffle plush collection! We waddled our way to the mines of CPJ – Blizzard, adorable plushies in hand. We then assembled into our furry formations, doing our fuzzy tactics, and getting some practice in for March Madness! For more details, check out the full post below!
Click here for the full report!
—◊ Tuesday ◊—
Max: 36
Avg: 34
All aboard! In this train-themed train-ing event, we donned our train conductor outfits and logged onto CPAB – Tuxedo. In Operation: We Like Trains we chugga-chugged around the island, blowing off some steam, and getting fired up for our upcoming battle with Water Vikings! To check out the next train departure times, click the link below.
Click here for the full report!
—◊ Wednesday ◊—
Max: 29
In Operation: Wear Hue–r Rank, you could not see any black or white from the Rebels in this event. We logged onto CPJ – Sleet as we wore our rank colors! We were able to paint the Docks in pretty colors with our rainbow fits. With our colorful tactics and bow-tiful formations, we showed our true colors on the CPJ island! To read more about this event, click the post below!
Click here for the full report!
—◊ Thursday ◊—
Max: 29
Avg: 27
Despite being known for our all-black uniform, the Rebels aren’t afraid to dress up all fancy sometimes! So in Operation: Dress To Impress, we did just that! We logged onto CPJ – Sleet in our fanciest clothes, our suits and dresses, stunned across the island! Not only did our clothes stand out but so did our forms, tactics, and movements. To check out the Penguin Met Gala highlights, click the link below.
Click here for the full report!
—◊ Friday ◊—
Max: 38
What’s that funky beat playing in the air? Oh, it’s the Rebels playing the classic Club Penguin song “Party at My Iggy” while raiding igloos! In Operation: Party At My Igloo, we logged onto CPJ – Marshmallow and wore the Like My Igloo face paint as we did some iggy-tastic formations and home-ful tactics!! After the tactics, we raided a TON of igloos, and it was a lot of fun! To read more about this event, click the post below!
Click here for the full report!
—◊ Saturday ◊—
Max: 40
Avg: 40
Who’s feeling lucky? The Rebels sure are! For Operation: Luck of the Irish, we logged onto CPAB – Tuxedo for a golden training event in preparation for March Madness X! Wearing our leprechaun outfits, we painted the town green with top tactics in fabulous formations. We sure sham-rocked this event! To read more about it, click below!
Click here for the full report!
– Tuxedo Times Team: Moonlemur, Mads, Ohasa, Buhnny, Tulip, Patty, Lehky, T_T, Karly, and LittySkitty
The puzzle came out really beautiful! I’m glad I was able to purchase the pass!