Here are the uniforms for each of our Winter Olympics teams. If you’re not sure which team you’re on, be sure to check this list!
Below you will find each individual item for you uniform. The ID code is how to find them on CPAB, and at the bottom of each list is a guide on how to find them on CPJ!
Penguin Colour: Yellow – !ai 7 (20 Coins)
Head Item: Yellow Bunny Ears (CPAB Only) – !ai 1388
Neck Item: Snow Fairy Wings (CPJ Only) – 350 Coins
Body Item: Sunny Bear Onesie (CPJ)/Yellow Penguin Stuffie (CPAB) – !ai 24011 (1000 Coins)
Total Coins: 1370 Coins
Penguin Colour: Blue – !ai 1 (20 Coins)
Head Item: Stocking Cap – !ai 482 (200 Coins)
Total Coins: 220 Coins
Penguin Colour: Mocha (CPJ)/Brown (CPAB) – !ai 9 (20 coins)
Head Item: The Sidekick – !ai1103 (500 coins)
Body Item: Love Bear Onsesie (CPJ)/Fuzzy Coat and Tights (CPAB) – !ai 4770 (1000 Coins)
Total Coins: 1520 Coins
Thank you to Gabgeirl for the title graphic, and Moonlemur for the team logos