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- Haleth on Operation: Wishing you Prosssperity and Wealth [US]
- bakedbeans on Operation: Wishing you Prosssperity and Wealth [US]
- Lydia Fenley on Operation: Wishing you Prosssperity and Wealth [US]
- nana5757 on Operation: Wishing you Prosssperity and Wealth [US]
- Purplefloral on Operation: Wishing you Prosssperity and Wealth [US]
Year: 2018
Town of Salem US Event – Results!
Town Of Salem [EU]
Hey there RF, Today we hosted 2 rounds on Town of Salem and had a fantastic time and some great games. Thanks to all who attended and be sure to comment below if you did. MAX: 20+ Congratulations to Pika for winning round 1 as Arsonist and Congratulations to Cosmo…
Town of Salem! [AUSIA]
Greetings, RF! Today, we conducted 2 amazing Town of Salem rounds and had an absolute blast of a time! Thank you to those who attended the event! Max: 20+ Congrats to the winners: Round 1: Plane, BScharbach, Jake, Queeniealex as Mafia Round 2: Wadu and Squid as Serial Killers Comment…
RF Limited Time Role Contest [Results]
Free Game Monday! [US Event Results]
Greetings Rebels! Today we many different games together to chill and have some fun! We played a lot of games such as Fortnite, Town of Salem, Roblox, and Paper.io! Don’t forget to comment below with your name and rank! Max: 20+
Free Game Monday! [EU Event]
Hello, Rebels! Tonight we scattered across a multitude of games to just enjoy and have some fun together. We played a large variety, including Town of Salem, Skribbl.io, Paper.io, and more! Don’t forget to comment on this post if you attended.
Free game night! [AUSIA]
Hello, RF! Today, we conducted a free game night where we allow anyone in RF to host a game of their choice! The event went well as everyone had enjoyed playing the various games that were hosted, such as Town of Salem, Critical Ops, Paper.io, Skribbl.io and ROBLOX. Thank you…
Promotions 23/09/2018
Hello Rebels! Here are this weeks promotions:
EU Transformice Event
Hello RF! Today we logged on to Transformice for our EU event. We had great fun, with great tactics and a lot of cheese collected! Great job RF! MAX: 20+