At least it’s not raining

So, what can this random post with a funny title and one-liner announcement be about?

Well… first: how did we even get here?

 On June 14th of 2020, I had the pleasure of joining this server, with the nickname Cracked, which I thought sounded quite silly, and that I certainly didn’t expect to use for over 3 years, but hey I couldn’t be bothered to think of a more creative name and it’s grown on me anyway.

Olympics, Legends Cup, Spirit Week, and a bunch of other tournaments and fun parties were all so amazing. If this server has one thing is its ability to help you connect with people, even if it’s more stale nowadays. We’ve really planned a lot of cool stuff over the years huh.

I joined in a bustling time full of activity, which was really cool, I loved the vibe and the friends I made. As I eventually made it to Cadet and then Officer, I got even more comfortable and started talking to more people. I had some ups and downs as officer, as everyone does, but getting HCOM helped get my motivation back in a time when I was kinda losing the spark. Helping with the behind the scenes stuff, planning things, being there in the fun and the tough times has been a lot of fun, and I’m glad I went on this journey.

I’ve enjoyed my time as staff, both as HCOM and Officer, but everything must come to an end.

So, what happened?

With uni and work taking up practically all of my time, I feel like I have no choice but to leave now. Delaying the retirement more and feeling bad for not being of help will not make things better, so might as well make it official.
This decision is more out of necessity than out of genuinely wanting to leave. That said, I think it’s very unlikely that i’d come back. After over 3 years, I feel like I have seen a lot and also done enough.

I will also still be around chat every now and then, so it’s not even that much of a goodbye. My name will just be purple instead of orange, big deal.

Thank you for making RPF so good

Now we get to the cheesy part, but yes. I’m retiring but that doesn’t mean i’m sick of RPF, far from it actually. I can’t deny that you people are amazing. And I mean everyone, from new and old troops, through current staff members, to retired staff from my time, as well as a lot of vets. Thanks for all the memories.

I’m not gonna give shout-outs, mainly because the people that impacted me already know, and if you don’t know, odds are you also left your mark in some way.

just what could he be plotting

~ Cracked


War, war never changes.

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