Operation: Virtual Victory [EU]

It’s game time! Hiya Rebels ready for a game? For today’s event, we logged onto Icebreaker – CPAB dressed up as our favorite video game characters going around the island doing gametastic tactics and formations. Thank you to everyone who join us today! MAX: 21 AVG: 21 Make sure to…

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We’re going for gold! Hiya Rebels for today’s event we logged onto Blizzard–docks with our gold shovels going around the island doing wonderful tactics and formations. Thank you to everyone who helped dig out the island! MAX: 17 Make sure to comment with your Discord Name and Rank if you…

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Hiya Rebels! kicking off RPF’s 16th Anniversary Week, we logged onto Icebreaker-CPAB for a driving test (let’s hope we pass) wearing our fabulous car costumes and going around the island doing excellent tactics and formations. Thank you to everyone who joined us today! MAX: 20 AVG: 19 Make sure to…

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This week marks the ninety-fourth official edition of “Troop Interviews”, where a team of interviewers (currently Cracked, Yvng, EllaBella, and, Rachel) asks two or more people questions. Interviews won’t have the same questions; each interview’s purpose is to show originality and have its unique highlights. Along with that, the questions…

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Hi Rebels! For today’s event we logged onto Warzone – CPAB for a practice battle with our brother allies Water Vikings, wearing our rpf uniform going around the island doing excellent tactics and formations Thank you to everyone who joined us today! MAX: 16 AVG: 16 Make sure to comment…

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