Operation: Centurion

Back in 2019, an operation called “The Holiday Hundred” was created shortly after RPF returned to the army community. It was a month long operation used to bring back hype in the army, with the end goal of maxing sizes of 100+ for EU and 50+ for AUSIA. In 2023,…

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Troop Of The Week #313

Another week in the Federation has passed and we are excited for what’s to come! We have now returned to modern times following our prehistoric party, however one rebel has made an impression that’s made survived the different eras! So let us reveal our newest Troop Of the Week! 

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Troop of the Week #312

Our pre-historic themed week has been nothing short of exciting and the response from the rebels is definitely proof of that. Amongst all the dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures, one has stood out! Keep on reading to find out which little dino is our newest Troop of the Week…

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