Hey there rebels! A year ago today, an unexpected event happened where the largest CPPS, CPRewritten, was shut down by Disney. Now a year later, we continue to think about the beloved game. So today we waddled on over to Klondike-CPABattleground in order to honor the good times we had…

Access Report


Salutations Rebels! With the recent April Fools party arriving to the CPLegacy island, today we donned our Jester outfits! We waddled over to CPL-Blizzard the island making a silly impression with amusing tactics and making funny formations while also gaining the group quests in game! Great job at the event…

Access Report

Operation: Penguin Salad [EU]

Hey there Rebels! With our March Madness finals only days away, its time for a final training event! Waddling over to Warzone-CPABattleground, we wore an orange-ment of fruit costumes. To get in shape for the battle we did many flavourful tactics and made neat forms! Grape job at the event…

Access Report


And here we see the Rebel Penguins in their natural habitat… At an event of course! Today we logged onto Ice Breaker-CPABattleground, for our first training event for the upcoming March Madness Tournament! We dressed up as safari wildlife and explorers, and explored the island doing wild tactics and made…

Access Report

Operation: Baaa-mazing Rebels [EU]

Hey rebels! CPLegacy recently returned, along with many stamps to collect! So for todays event we logged onto CPL-Blizzard to help people get the Igloo Host stamp! We waddled around the island and visited many amazing igloos while wearing the new sheep costume and gained some stamps for people. Great…

Access Report

Operation: Defence of Chinook [EU]

War is once again upon us Rebels! Today’s event commenced the beginning of our war with SWAT! Logging onto Warzone-CPAB, we wore our trusty RPF uniforms with a goal of successfully defending our land of Chinook! We performed many strong tactics and swiftly moved into neat formations. Everyone performed amazingly…

Access Report


Greetings once again Rebels! Its time for Day 2-Round 2 of the 2023 Winter Olympics! We Logged onto Icebreaker-CPABattleground in our teams costumes to begin, with some pizza themed tactics and tossing dough into formations. We then headed for the second Pizzatron3000 tournament of the day! Now lets see who came…

Access Report


Saluations rebels! Today we logged onto Warzone-CPAB wearing the good old RPF Uniform for our Christmas Chaos Finals against Templars! We performed some brilliant tactics and strong forms. Great job at the event everyone! Now finally the part we’ve all been waiting for, the winners of the Christmas Chaos Tournament…

Access Report