Operation: Cozy Up [US]

⚔️ The server Cozy has been claimed by the Rebels! In our second invasion of the war against the Secret Service, the Rebels logged into CP Army Battleground’s Cozy to go head-to-head with our adversary. Despite the best efforts of both sides, there could only be one winner…

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Operation: Veggie Villains [US]

Clickity click click! Rebel agents went undercover on CP Army Battleground in our US Operation: Veggie Villain! We suited up in our Herbert and Klutzy disguises on Tuxedo to pay homage to the fantastic mission currently occurring on CP Journey! Max: 17 Avg: 16 Comment your Discord name and rank…

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Behind The Signature Items

Strike a post and vogue, Rebels! The iconic RPF uniform has stood the test of time for over seventeen years. From the rebellious Black Puffle Bandana and casual Black Hoodie, through to the steadfast Red Backpack and haunting glow of the Night Vision Goggles! But despite these items being much-loved…

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