Operation: Year of the Snake [EU]

Hello Rebelssssss! In this ssssuper slithering event we put on the new Snake Costume on CPJ – Blizzard to celebrate the Year of the Snake! We slithered around the island, hissing out tacticsssss, showing the fearless might of the RPF to all penguins who saw us. Happy Lunar New Year!!!…

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E1!! EZEP!! X FORM NOW!! All these were seen in today’s training event. Today we logged onto Tuxedo – CPAB to prepare for tomorrow’s battle against The Bastille Vanguard and preparing for our further Christmas Chaos XIV battles. One training event down, many more to go, and the rebels are…

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Today we logged onto Tuxedo – CPAB for a classic flex-off event! We donned outfits thats gave us some cool moves, and flexed on one another. There were tubas, there were chefs, there were even clowns. Thank you to everyone who joined us today! MAX: 16 AVG: 16

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