Operation: Galactic Giants [AUSIA]

For today’s AUSIA event, we surprised our troops with a joint branch battle with our allies, Ice Warriors! Navy joined forces with Venus while Air Force teamed up with Polar for this event. We logged onto ALASKA on CPArmies and had an amazing battle. Whether you were a vampire or a mummy, there must have…

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In today’s VC – led EU event, we logged onto Tuxedo – CPArmies to train for our upcoming Fright or Fight Finals against ACP this Sunday! We wore our uniforms proud and perfected our tactics and formations with agility and dexterity. Excellent work today rebels! MAX: 64 AVG: 60 Make…

Access Report


BOO! For today’s EU event, we logged onto Crystal – CPR dressed in our most spooktacular Halloween costumes! Everyone did a great job of conjuring up their most creepily creative outfits as we did freaky forms and terrifying tactics.  This event was certainly a graveyard smash! MAX: 65 AVG: 63…

Access Report


Today we logged on to Tuxedo~CPArmies to practice for the upcoming Fright or Fight Tournament against ACP. Led by our HCOM in voice chat, we practiced our rapid tactics and fast formations in preparation for the intense finals. Awesome job at today’s US event Rebels! MAX: 54 AVG: 53 Make…

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Operation: Advancement [AUSIA]

Today we logged onto Tuxedo – CPArmies for a training event to practice for our upcoming tournament battle against ACP on Sunday! We suited up in the RPF uniform for an amazing training, with great tactics and forms!  Great job today rebels! Max: 50 Avg: 47 Make sure to comment on…

Access Report


Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR for an EU/US stamp event, performing some great tactics… with a special twist! As part of the festivities surrounding Club Penguin’s anniversary, we were able to tip the Iceberg too! Great job to everyone who attended! MAX: 64 AVG: 59 Comment on…

Access Report


For today’s Ausia event we logged on to Tuxedo on CPArmies for Operation: Branch Battle. This close battle between our two branches, Navy and Airforce, kept everyone on their toes as they went head to head. Great job to both teams, really well done formations and tactics! However, the branch that…

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OoOoOoO!! It’s getting close to Halloween Rebels! For today’s AUSIA event, we logged onto CP Armies – Tuxedo, while in our trendy costumes. In our ghost photoshoot costumes, the rebels did many spooky and quick tactics. Great job rebels and keep being boo-tiful! MAX: 47 AVG: 46 Remember to comment…

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