Operation: Housewarming [AUSIA]

Today the RPF logged onto Deep Freeze for some igloo stamps and did some fantastic tactics and formations along the way. We had some time left so we practiced our performance for future battles. Great job Rebels! MAX: 44 AVG: 41 Be sure to comment below with your Discord Name…

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For today’s EU event, we logged on to Mammoth for Operation: Stamps Ahoy. We matched around the island, collecting group stamps and helping out other penguins. Max: 98 Avg: 88 Make sure to comment with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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For today’s AUSIA event, we held Operation: Tempest on Crystal! We demonstrated some spiffy tactics and forms in a training event wearing our uniform. Awesome work by everyone who attended! MAX: 51 AVG: 47 If you attended, comment below with your name & rank!

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Today we logged onto Toboggan for our EU event Operation: Warp Speed! We wore the RPF uniform and practised our fast paced forms and tactics! Great job today rebels! MAX: 77 AVG: 72 Make sure to comment with your discord rank and name if you attended!

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Operation: Scout the Server [US]

Today we logged onto Toboggan for our Mods vs. HCOM/Troops, Operation: Scout the Server. Troops and HCOM hid around the island in the hopes that Mods wouldn’t find them, and Mods searched all around the island in search of every last troop. The winners were… THE MODS! Good try and…

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