Swim time! Today we logged onto Marshmallow with the Green Duck from the Water Party. Great job quacking it up, Rebels! MAX: 59 AVG: 54 Be sure to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended!
Swim time! Today we logged onto Marshmallow with the Green Duck from the Water Party. Great job quacking it up, Rebels! MAX: 59 AVG: 54 Be sure to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended!
We logged on to Crystal for our OPERATION: IN MY SIGHTS, where troops competed with HCOM in this thrilling game of hide-and-seek! We all had a grand time finding and hiding at our spots! The winner of this hide-and-seek is…
We logged onto Zipline – CPR for today’s EU event wearing the Explorer’s Outfit! We explored the island doing stellar tactics and formations. Great job today everyone, and thank you for coming! MAX: 65 AVG: 63 Make sure to comment with your Discord name and rank if you attended!
At today’s US event, we hosted a Cart Surfer tournament on Club Penguin Rewritten! Before hitting the rails, we did some fun tactics in uniform. Great surfing today rebels, and keep on goggling rebels cart surfer! However, only three people could come out on top in this tournament…
Today we logged on to Deep Freeze for our AUSIA event, Operation: Loud and Proud! We wore our favourite instruments and certainly made a noise with our loud tactics and formations! Great job today, musicians of RPF! MAX: 45 AVG: 43 Don’t forget to comment your discord name and rank if…
This week’s Branch Battle saw the Air Force and Navy duke it out dressed as Apples and Oranges respectively. Well done to both teams for an absolute fruit salad of tactics and formations! Orange you glad the winner is:
For today’s AUSIA event, troops had the chance to lead their tactics in a special event, Operation: Baton Pass! Logging on to Deep Freeze, the troops led the cleanest and most creative tactics! Looks like we’ve got some future leaders in the making. Fantastic work as always, Rebels! MAX: 45…
Fight the good fight! Today we had a practice battle against out ally, Ice Warriors, to honor the retirement of one of their leaders, Madhav {best of luck 🙂 }. We logged onto Sub Zero – CPArmies to claim victory and show off our skills! Both armies did amazing jobs…
Today we logged onto Tuxedo for a sweet AUSIA training event! We performed some clean forms and tactics in preparation for our practice battle against Ice Warriors. Awesome job rebels! MAX: 48 AVG: 48 Make sure to comment your discord username and rank below if you attended!
It’s time to get funky! Today for our very special Dance Contest tournament, we logged onto Permafrost. Congrats to our three winners who were able to nae nae their way way to the top: