Heya, Rebels! Today, we logged on to Marshmallow for an EU training event, Operation: Dynamis! We went around the island, showing off some super speedy formations and tactics! Great job, Rebels! MAX: 42 AVG: 38 Remember to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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Hey there, Rebels! Today we logged onto Marshmallow for our EU event! We wore the Party Hat and the Puffle Jacket while going around the island and performing some beautiful tactics and formations. Good job today, Rebels! MAX: 43 AVERAGE: 40 Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank below…

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Hello Rebels! Today we logged onto Sleet for our AUSIA training event! We dressed up in the RPF uniform and went around the island exercising quick tactics and formations. Good job today, Rebels! MAX: 21 AVERAGE: 20 Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank below if you attended!

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Knock-knock, Rebels! Today, we logged onto Zipline for Operation: Knock Knock! For this igloo raid event, we went from igloo to igloo, checking out each other’s decorating skills and helping fellow Rebels get stamps! MAX: 46 AVG: 40 Remember to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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Heya Rebels! For the Saturday EU event, we logged on to Marshmallow for Operation: Stamp Maniacs! Our goal was to collect as many stamps as possible in 30 minutes, so we rolled out over the island baking pizzas and making music. Well done to everyone who attended! Max: 60 Avg:…

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