Today, we logged on to Zipline for our US event, Operation: Echo! To prepare for our practice battle against Help Force, we all joined voice chat to listen to orders from HCOM! Great job, Rebels! MAX: 32 AVG: 30 Remember to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

Access Report


Today we logged onto Blizzard for our AUSIA event! We wore our crocs and went around the island performing some fresh tactics and formations. Good job today, Rebels! MAX: 26 AVERAGE: 22 Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank below if you attended!

Access Report


Today we logged onto Marshmallow for our EU event Operation: Feeling Hip! We wore our best hipster outfits and had a rad time going around the island doing fantastic tactics and forms! Great Job rebels! MAX: 34   AVG: 33   Remember to comment with your Discord name and rank!

Access Report


RAWSPAGHETTI???? Today, we logged on to Blizzard for Operation: RAWSPAGHETTI???? We all turned yellow and stood in town, doing nothing, just like raw spaghetti noodles! Overall, a RAWSPAGHETTI???? job, rebels! MAX: 26 AVG: 26 Remember to comment below with your Discord name, rank, and RAWSPAGHETTI???? below if you attended!

Access Report


Hi Rebels! Today we logged onto Marshmallow for our EU event Operation: Uprising! We perfected our brilliant tactics and formations across the island in this fun training event! Great job today rebels! MAX: 43 AVG: 41 Make sure to comment with your discord name and rank if you attended!

Access Report

Operation: Mad Hatter [US]

Hola Rebels! “Have I gone mad?” Today we logged onto Sleet for Operation: Mad Hatter! We wore our favorite toques and waddled around the island showing off our tactics and formations! Fantastic job rebels for such a toqueally awesome event! MAX: 38 AVG: 36 Don’t forget to comment down below your…

Access Report


Hello, Rebels! Starting the week off strong, we logged on to Blizzard for Operation: Trust in Crust! We wore the pizza apron and the chef hat combo, going around the island performing deluxe formations and tactics! No matter how you slice it, you Rebels did a fantastic job! MAX: 31…

Access Report


Heya Rebels! Thank you all for attending today’s EU/US event, Operation: Tempest! The Navy and the Air Force logged on to Marshmallow to duke it out in a classic Branch Battle! Both teams did some awesome tactics and forms, but there can only be one winner… Navy Victory! Max: 40…

Access Report


Hey, Rebels! Starting off our Sunday with an AUSIA event, we held Operation: Invictus on Sleet! Dressed in the crisp RPF uniform, we perfected our tactics and formations. Phenomenal work by everyone who attended! MAX: 26 AVG: 25 Don’t forget to comment your Discord name & rank down below!

Access Report


Hello, Rebels! For today’s US event, we logged onto Marshmallow to carry out Operation: Spiderverse! We dove into the spiderverse wearing the spider costume from the stage catalog. Our tactics and formations were web-tastic. Great job to all who attended! MAX: 64 AVG: 63 Comment your Discord name and rank…

Access Report