Hello Rebels! For today’s US event, we logged onto Sleet to show off our impeccable formations and tactics. All rebels prepared to perform as perfectly as they could, demonstrating the skill and drive of our RPF troops. Amazing job, rebels! MAX: 50+ AVG: 52 Make sure to comment your Discord…

Access Report


Hello Rebels! Today we logged on to Zipline for our AUSIA “U-Lead” event! Each troop had the chance to show their tactic ideas and they were amazing. Good job today rebels, you showed us your leading abilities! MAX: 20+ AVG: 19 Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank below!

Access Report


Hello Rebels! Today we logged on to Blizzard for our AUSIA event, Operation: Pizza Patrol. We wore the pizza apron and did some amazing tactics and formations while tossing some epic pizzas. Make sure to comment with your discord name and rank if you attended. MAX:39+ AVERAGE:35

Access Report


Hello Rebels! Today we logged onto Blizzard and got dressed in our floral bikinis to celebrate summer around the island. We had some of the most refreshing forms and tactics. Well done, Rebels, you really brought the sunshine today! MAX: 25+ AVERAGE: 25 Make sure to comment your Discord name…

Access Report


Hola Rebels! Today we logged onto Marshmallow wearing our duck floaties from the catalog. During the middle of the event, it was announced that one of our Second In Command, Alex, is retiring and that this is her last event. In honor of that, we changed into RPF uniform and…

Access Report

Operation: Ground Zero[AUSIA]

Hello Rebels Today we logged onto Sleet for our AUSIA event Operation: Ground Zero. We were part of the creation and evolution of new tactics and formations ! The event was really fun with some amazing tactics and forms! Great event everybody! Max:25+ Average:25 Make sure to comment with your…

Access Report

Operation: Paint the Town [US]

Hey there Rebels! Today, we logged onto Marshmallow for our US event, Operation: Paint the Town! We painted the island in RPF colors while showing off our awesome tactics and formations! Great job, Rebels! Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank down below if you attended today’s event!…

Access Report


Hey there, Rebels! Everyone logged on to Zipline today and donned their uniforms to show off some of our “freshest” forms and tactics. We tried out a couple of our brand new forms across the island and pulled them off smoothly. Good job to everyone who attended, we can’t be…

Access Report

Operation: Enchanted Knights [US]

Hey There RPF! Today marked the first US event back at regular times!  We logged on to Sleet and conquered the island in enchanting armor! We even made some cool formations like “RPF” and a double V formation! Make sure to comment your discord name and rank if you attended!…

Access Report


Heyo Rebels! For today’s AUSIA event, we logged onto Blizzard wearing our Hawaiian shirts and and chilled out to commemorate the last few days of summer! The tactics were clean, and the formations hotter than the Hawaiian sun! Our goal was to have fun before the school season begins again…

Access Report