Hello Rebels! Today we logged on to Marshmallow for our EU/US event, Operation: Rubber Duckie. We wore the inflatable duck and waddled around the island and celebrated the Summer Luau  party in style by performing some epic tactics and formations. MAX: 72 AVG:67 Make sure to comment below with your…

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Hey Rebels! Today, we logged onto Blizzard for Operation: Island Canvas! We went around painting the island in our painters’ costumes performing our creative tactics and formations. Great job! Comment your Discord name and rank below if you attended! Max: 30+ Avg: 33

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Operation: Housewarming [US]

Hey there Rebels! Today, we logged onto Beanie for Operation: Housewarming! We visited some awesome igloos and helped our fellow Rebels earn the igloo stamps! Great job at today’s event, Rebels! Don’t forget to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended today’s event! MAX:45+ AVG:41

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Heya Rebels! For today’s AUSIA event, we logged on to Sleet in our RPF uniforms to prepare for war. We practised our tactics and showed off our formations. Well done to everyone who attended! Max: 25+ Avg: 25 Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank below:

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U-Lead [EU]

Hey there Rebels! Today we logged onto Deep Freeze for our EU “U-Lead” event! Each troop got a chance to lead their favorite tactics around the island and they were impressive. Good job today rebels! MAX: 35+ AVERAGE: 34 Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank if you…

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Operation: Hide and Seek [EU]

HEY THERE RPF! Today we logged onto Beanie for our HCOM vs Troops Operation: Hide and Seek. Our troops hid around the island in the hopes that they wouldn’t be discovered by HCOM members seeking. HCOM searched all around the island to find them. The winner was… HCOM! Congrats guys…

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Hi Rebels! Today we logged onto Sleet for our first US event of the week- Operation: M.O.A.B! We showed the island the Mother Of All Bombs with our bombtastic tactics and formations. Great work today, and always remember to fight the good fight! Be sure to comment with your Discord…

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Operation: Deep-Sea-Diving [AUSIA]

Hey There Rebels! To start our week of events, we launched Operation: Deep Sea Diving on Blizzard as dressed up in the Fearless Fiesel costume from the Stage! We did swimmingly and showed off our tactics and formations fresh out of water! Make sure to comment your Discord name and…

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