Hello Rebels! At today’s EU event, we donned our uniform with pride and showed the Deep Freeze Islanders what it takes to be a member of the RPF. Our forms were fantastic and our tactics were on point. Keep up the good work Rebels and keep fighting the good fight!…

Access Report


Hey Rebels! For today’s EU event, we logged onto Marshmallow for Operation: Dragon Energy. This event was in honour of our Dragon Age that was led by RPF Legends Popsiclebeak and Left. We celebrated by wearing the item of the month, the Enchanted Dragon Costume and paraded around the island showing…

Access Report


Heya Rebels! For today’s AUSIA event, we logged on to Blizzard for Operation: Clank. We all wore our Blacksmith Aprons and forged a great event! Thanks to everyone who turned up to show our metal! Max: 50+ Ave: 51 Make sure to comment with your Discord name and rank below:

Access Report


Hey there Rebels! Today we logged onto Blizzard for our AUSIA event, Operation: Uplift! We wore our standard uniform did several eye-grabbing tactics around the island to put those recruiting skills to use! Make sure to comment with your discord name and rank if you attended! MAX: 40+ AVERAGE: 38

Access Report


Hello There Rebels! Today we logged on to Blizzard our AUSIA event – Stamp Frenzy! We dressed up in different outfits and colors and collected a load of stamps! We also performed some great formations and tactics! Be sure to comment with your name and rank below if you attended! MAX:…

Access Report


Hey RPF! Today, we logged onto Sleet for the EU event. Everyone got on their red white & blue and celebrated American Independence Day around the island. The tactics and formations were awesome, and everyone’s outfits were totally amazing! Great job to everyone who attended! Comment your name and rank…

Access Report