Operation: Kosmic Encounter [EU]

Greetings Rebels! Today, we logged onto Battleground – CPAB in our uniforms for a practice battle against our new allies the Warlords of Kosmos! We preformed tactics that were out of this world and made some fierce formations. Well done, Rebels! MAX: 17 AVG: 17 Be sure to comment below…

Access Report


Hey Rebels! For today’s EU event we logged onto Ice breaker – CPAB for Operation: True History. We wore red yellow and green as we went around the island doing amazing tactics and strong forms! Thanks to everyone who came today! MAX: 18 AVG: 18 Make sure to comment your Discord…

Access Report


Hiya Rebels for today’s event we logged onto Klondike-CPAB for our Elton John-inspired event as we went around the island doing excellent tactics and formations. Thank you to everyone who joined us today! MAX: 21 AVG: 19 Make sure to comment with your Discord Name and Rank if you attended

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Hey, Rebels! To continue this week of fun-filled events, we logged onto Klondike – CPAB for Operation: Mary Poppins. The Rebels wore the Blue Duffle Coat as they went around the island doing some swift formations and nanny-like tactics for a successful event! MAX: 17 AVG: 17 Be sure to comment…

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Operation: Duck you mickey mouse

Hey Rebels! For today’s EU event we logged onto Klondike – CPAB for Operation: Duck you mickey mouse. We wore the duck floatie as we floated around the island doing amazing tactics and beautiful forms! Thank you to everyone who joined us today! MAX: 18 AVG: 18 Make sure to comment your…

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Operation: Beans of Sock

Hey Rebels! For day 5 of the 2022 Winter Olympics game tournaments we logged onto  Icebreaker – CPAB for Operation: Beans Of Sock. First, all four teams did beantastic forms and great tactics! After they were done, the teams competed in a game of Bean Counters! Now to announce the…

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Hey, Rebels! For this bean-tiful event, we logged onto Klondike – CPAB for Round 1 – Day 5 of the 2022 Winter Olympics! We dressed in our iconic Olympic uniforms and had a tournament of a classic game: Bean Counters! Let’s get to the winners, shall we?

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