Operation: Sleigh All Day [EU]

Hey, rebels! For today’s EU event, we logged on to CPL – Blizzard wearing the sled costume for Operation: Sleigh All Day. We performed strong tactics and sharp formations. Good job today, rebels! MAX: 19 AVG: 18 Comment with your Discord Name and Rank if you attended!

Access Report


Halloween may be over, but the fall vibes are still going strong! Rebels logged onto Warzone – CPAB for Operation: Silly Scarecrows. They went around the island doing spooky and fall-like formations and tactics wearing the scarecrow outfit for a fall-tacular event! Thank you to everyone who attended today. MAX: 13…

Access Report


Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! In today’s EU event, we logged on to Blizzard-CPLegacy geared up with our snow shovels and danced around the island in the newly piled snow. We practiced some ground-breaking formations and chanted crisp tactics during this cool season! Great job Rebels!…

Access Report


Hey, Rebels! For Saturday’s AUSIA event, we logged onto Blizzard – CPLegacy for Operation: Find Your Magic. Rebels wore the blizzard wizard outfit as they went around the island doing magical formations and tactics for a successful event! Thank you to everyone who attended. MAX: 18 AVG: 18 Be sure to…

Access Report


🎶Somewhere over the rainbow, Rebels dance… 🎶Hello fellow rebels!! On this EU event, we logged on CPLegacy, Blizzard-Docks for a colour themed event!! We wore with our favourite colour and we did some colorful tactics and cheerful forms!! We visited some rooms and made them colorful!!! Hope we made everyone…

Access Report


Yeti or not, here we come! For this EU event, we hopped onto Club Penguin Legacy for a classic event: hide and seek! We grabbed the yeti costume, which is featured in the brand-new Snow Maze party, and did some chilly tactics in some clean forms. Afterwards, troops and mods…

Access Report


Hey there Rebels! Today we logged onto Blizzard – Club Penguin Legacy for our US event, Operation: Roast Chickens! We put on the chicken outfit and got prepared to roast HCOM! We performed some amazing forms, quick tactics and some clever roasts! Great work at today’s event, Rebels! MAX: 23 AVG: 22…

Access Report

Operation: Music Maestro [AUSIA]

G’morning Rebels! For today’s AUSIA event, we logged on to Klondike – CPAB for a musical event! Dressed with our instruments, we sang our hearts out and tuned our heartstrings to the melodic sounds this event. Music definitely filled everyone’s ears this fine morning! MAX: 15 AVG: 14 Don’t forget…

Access Report


Happy Sunday Rebels! For today’s EU event, we logged on to Warzone-CPAB for a practice battle against an old foe… SWAT! Dressed in our gear, we battled for glory and honor through sophisticated formations and cutting edge tactics to show our strength. Both armies made a great show of display…

Access Report


Hi, Rebels! For today’s AUSIA event, we logged onto Ice Breaker – CPAB for Operation: Emoji Mania. We created outfits based on our favorite emojis, then rocked them while doing some creative tactics in various forms around the island. Everyone looked awesome out there!  MAX: 14 Be sure to comment…

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