Operation: Frogatory [EU]

Hey there, rebels! For today’s EU event, we logged on to CPAB – Klondike for Operation: Frogatory. We dressed up as Kermit the Frog as went we went around the island and performed strong tactics and clean formations. Good job today, rebels! MAX: 15 AVG: 14 Don’t forget to comment below…

Access Report


Hey, Rebels! For todays US event, we logged onto Ice Breaker – CPAB for Operation: Pizza Maestros. We wore the I Heart Pizza T-Shirt as we went around the island doing formations and tactics and even got creative and made our very own pizzas for a successful event! Everyone did an…

Access Report


Psspt psspt rebels! Okay now that I have your attention let me give you a recap of today’s AUSIA event! We logged on to Warzone wearing our I love My Puffle shirts and bringing along said puffles! Once we had gathered we completed sharp tactics in some well trained forms! Thanks for…

Access Report


Hello dear Rebels! In today’s EU event, we logged on to Klondike-CPAB dressed up as a fan favorite character from Breaking Bad, Wallace Offwhite! Gearing up in our chemist uniforms, we took the island by storm as we performed legal tactics and concocted strong-bonded formations to break good! Good job…

Access Report

Operation: 30 Minutes of Fame [US]

Hey, rebels! For today’s US event, we logged onto CPAB – Ice Breaker for Operation: 30 Minutes of Fame. We dressed up as our favorite celebrities while we waddled around the island and performed glamorous tactics and stylish formations. Good job today, everyone! MAX: 13 AVG: 13 Don’t forget to comment…

Access Report

Operation: GeoGuessr [AUSIA]

Rebels, ahoy! For today’s AUSIA event, we logged onto Klondike for Operation: GeoGuessr, but with a twist, on Club Penguin! After cool tactics were made and geografically-tastic formations were formed while wearing the Globe Hats, rebels racked their brains to prove that they knew the Club Penguin map best! And here…

Access Report


Greetings to ye, unicorns, dragons and mythical creatures of all sorts! Today the Rebels made their way over to Battleground dressed as many types of creatures for a fantastical event with a fashion contest to conclude! We performed many elegant forms and fabulous tactics around the island, and got ready…

Access Report

Operation: Amazing Rebel Race [US]

Heya Rebels for today’s US event, we logged onto Warzone-CPAB for the amazing rebel race wearing our fancy sneakers and wonderful outfits doing amazing tactics and formations and fun challenges to see who wins Rebel Racer Thank you to everyone who decided to come out! now comes to the winner:…

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