Sometimes all you need is a SPLASH OF COLOR, so many colors from red to purple, which one is your favorite? Heres the chance to show your colors! We logged onto ZIPLINE–CPRewritten wearing our FAVORITE COLORS! We brightened our way throughout the island with our VIBRANT TACTICS and RADIANT FORMATIONS!…

Access Report

Operation: The Bees Knees [EU]

Time to get bee-sy with this EU event as we fly towards CPRewritten – Abominable in this bee event! We wore the bee outfit using the code BEESKNESS as we started buzzing all around the island. We flew around buzzing honey-sweet tactics and bee-line forms all over our territory. Bee-autiful job…

Access Report

Operation: Only the Brave [EU]

Hey Rebels! For Today’s EU event, we logged onto Abominable – CPRewritten for a fun braveheart themed event! We went around the island in our emerald kilts doing awesome tactics in neat forms! Amazing job today. Rebels! MAX: 26 AVG: 23 Make sure to comment below with your Discord Username and Rank if you…

Access Report


Hey Rebels! Today we logged on to Zipline – CPRewritten for our AUSIA event, Operation: Work It! We wore aprons and got to work serving up some great tactics and clean forms! Great job at today’s event, Rebels! MAX: 26 AVG: 25 Don’t forget to comment your Discord name and rank…

Access Report

Operation: CTF [US]

For today’s US event, we logged on to ABOMINABLE – CP Rewritten dressed in our blue and red colours. This epic BRANCH battle between the Navy and the Air Force was not one to be missed. Both sides did very well and brought their best to the epic battle, but there…

Access Report


For today’s EU, we logged on to ASCENT – CP Rewritten dressed as one of the Three Little Pigs. Wearing the pig costume from the stage catalogue, we busted out some hog-tastic pork-mations and sow-mart tactics. A reminder to all rebels: make sure to build your houses from bricks so the…

Access Report


When in need, the Rebels are there! Today, we logged onto Zipline-CPRewritten wearing the Rescue Squad outfit. We waddled around helping other penguins and making sure the island is safe with our stellar tactics and sharp formations. Thank you all for attending! MAX: 25 AVG: 22 Make sure to comment…

Access Report


You’ve seen it here first folks! Two basic puffles clashing once again to see who’s the better original puffle- owo what’s this on ABOMINABLE–CPRewritten penguins in PUFFLE COSTUMES just entered the field? New information just came in, these penguins “NAVY” wearing BLUE PUFFLE COSTUME and “AIR FORCE” wearing RED PUFFLE…

Access Report


Hey Rebels! For today’s event, we logged onto Abominable – CPRewritten for an exciting event! We wore the water and fire fans and swiftly went around the island! While going around, we performed brisk tactics and fancy formations! Great work today, Rebels! MAX: 25 AVG: 25 Make sure to comment your Discord Username and Rank below…

Access Report