Division Recap

 —◊ RF: CP DIVISION RECAP ◊— 5th August’19 – 11th August’19 Greetings Rebels, We are back to give you a synopsis of the week’s events to see our tactics and forms! This was a very busy week for everyone, click Read More to find out how it went!

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Division Recap

 —◊ RF: CP DIVISION RECAP ◊— 29th July’19 – 4th August’19 Greetings Rebels, We are back to give you a synopsis of the week’s events to see our tactics and forms! This was a very busy week for everyone, click Read More to find out how it went!

Access Report

Division Recap

 —◊ RF: CP DIVISION RECAP ◊— 22nd July’19 – 28th July’19 Greetings Rebels, We are back to give you a synopsis of the week’s events to see our tactics and forms! This week was very special as we held our annual Summer Olympics! Read below to see how it went! 

Access Report

Division Recap

 —◊ RF: CP DIVISION RECAP ◊— 15th July’19 – 21st July’19 Greetings Rebels, We are back to give you a synopsis of the week’s events to see our tactics and forms! We also got the chance to hold the top 3 event submissions for the Event Contest: Operation: Sunrise, Operation:…

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