Day In The Life – 14th Edition

Hello rebels! We are back for the Fourteenth edition of the Day In The Life column! For this edition, we’ll be interviewing two of our recent Troops Of The Week! With their active participation in RPF to achieve the award, what do they do in their daily lives? Accompany me as they tell us more about their usual routine.


Hello! Concerning my life, I am a preschool teacher, currently I am replacing for a long period because the teacher I am replacing is pregnant. Currently we are on vacation so I am taking advantage of the time I have to rest, play a little, participate in events with the RPF team, play other club penguin servers or the console! I also take time with my loved ones, I see my friends and I will slowly prepare my activities and update my documents for the start of the school year!


I wake up pretty early everyday (yes even sometimes in weekends) around 4 to 6 am depending, brush my teeth and my only breakfast being 1 cup of tea, hop in the shower, great the heater is broken lets shower cold today! Barely miss the bus and go to work. I might be on discord during breaks to check on conversations or just work on some pixel art project I have going on in the side, catch the bus back home and take an astral power nap for like 1 hour it’s around evening time at this point about 5pm or so which is when I like to turn my brain off, this is when you will find me most active on discord and other social media, I will either be playing a game or chatting with some people, or you guessed it working on some pixel art project. I usually don’t attend EU events however if I find the time of day I might be on a US event and I’m almost always at AUSIA events after that I would go to the gym for 1 or 2 hours and get a nice workout in. I will go to bed at maybe 10 to 12 although If I’m in a VC and I’m not bothered to leave I might just stay up ’till 3 although thats when I decide its time for bed and that about sums up my day. My life is a rotation between formal work ethic, laziness and pixel art. It’s pretty nice I like it , may not be luxurious but I like it.

Thank you all for reading this edition, and a very large thank you to Miloud and Axylide for letting us interview you and sharing how you go about your days! We are glad you are part of our server and see a bright future ahead of you in RPF. We hope you all enjoyed, and we will see you in the next one!


Everyone keeps telling me how my story is supposed to go. Nah, I'm going to do my own thing.

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