Hii Rebels! We are back for the Sixteenth Edition of the Day In The Life column! For this edition, we’ll be interviewing a recent Troop of The Week, an RPF Officer Cadet, and one of our newer major 33Terre With the recent TOTW’s works to earn Troop of The Week and with this RPF Officer cadet’s daily works in the mod team, and an active troop, let’s take a look and see what they do in their day-to-day lives outside of RPF!


A typical day for me is waking up at around 5am and IMMEDIATELY running to make a vanilla iced latte so im not as morngy 😭, next I add my moisturizer and cleanser to my face and boom, I then hop on Overwatch2 for a few games or make anime edits to pass time, then I walk up to maccies for a mighty muffin at around 9am (i cannot afford the weekly asda shop rn LOL).

After all that it’s usually off to work depending what day it is and I’m either off as a lawyer mainly doing my files, waiting for a case etc or I’m actually in a hearing, alternatively I’m a chef and I do prep, make orders (mainly steaks, burgers, fajitas) while blasting out muse on the speaker with many vape breaks in between 😭

Finally I finish work at typically 5pm, come home, chat in RPF mostly on Discord, do my makeup which is mainly just LOADS of blush highlighter and mascara for the fun of it, go back on Overwatch or Fortnite, make dinner which atm is philadelphia chicken pasta because its just elite, play pokemon on my ds followed by attending our events if its on that day, then I listen to a bunch of nu metal music and go to bed at 10-11pm 🤍


so basic things: i wake up, have breakfast then i catch up on all my discord servers so many help then i login to my club penguin journey and get mad there not many penguins online 😠 then hangout in the best discord server there is


my typical workday looks like this: i wake up at 9 am to attend my online courses. i sit through 2 or 3 lectures and get my breakfast somewhere in-between. then take a mandatory nap and wake up mad and tired at about 5 pm. the evening activities aren’t really scheduled: maybe i call my friend to study together, maybe i draw, read or craft something, or just watch video essays or iceberg videos on youtube.
i cook and have my dinner at 8 pm. if there’s an event in rpf, i’ll surely attend it and chat a bit with other server members. i spend another twenty minutes or so reading messages at the server that i moderate (everyone’s super nice so i just keep up with the news), then go to bed at 2 or 3 am 👍

And a final thank you to Lawless, Alfie and 37Terre for sharing info about their day to day life, and thanks you all for reading! Hope you enjoyed and until next time ftgf!


♡A smile never goes out of style♡

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