Operation: All Boxed Down [US]

Hey, rebels! For today’s US event, we logged on to CPABWarzone for Operation: All Boxed Down, an RPF throwback event. We dressed in the cardboard box costume as we performed strong tactics and clean formations. Good job today, rebels!

MAX: 16

AVG: 14

Comment with your Discord Name and Rank if you attended!



Access Report


Hey, Rebels! It’s time to get competitive! We logged onto server KlondikeCPAB for Operation: Game Day wearing our best coffee bean inspired outfits. We went around the island doing various formations and tactics and finished off the event with a head-to-head Bean Counters tournament. Everyone did amazing, but only three could come out on topAccess Report

Operation: West of Weird [AUSIA]

Heya, Rebels! For the first AUSIA event of the week, we logged on to Icebreaker for our Gravity Falls event! Rebels wore their own Gravity Falls character outfits as we explored and went around Icebreaker doing fun tactics and wholesome formations! I hope you enjoyed yourselves, rebels!

MAX: 16

AVG: 15

Don’t forget to sign your Discord Name and Rank below if you attended the event!

Access Report


Salutations rebels! Legends cup is well underway and today was time for semi finals! We logged onto Klondike-CPAB wearing the good old Rebel Penguin Federation uniform for our battle against TCP! We performed some brilliant tactics and strong forms. Great job at the event everyone, however there could only be one winner…



Make sure to comment below with your Discord Username and Rank if you attended!


Access Report


For today’s EU event, we logged on to Klondike-CPAB wearing our most thrifty painter overalls and even brought along our furry fuzzy yellow puffles for a ride! Dawned with our paint brushes, we decorated the island with our breathtaking formations, inventive tactics, and danced to all the colours of the wind! Outstanding performance Rebels!

MAX: 19

AVG: 19

Don’t forget to sign your Discord Name and Rank below if you attended the event!

Access Report

Troop of the Week #266

Troop of the Week #266

Hey Rebels, as we prepare for our upcoming LCXII Semifinals against Templars it is Friday and you know what that means, it is time to announce this week’s Troop of the Week! Keep reading this post to find out who won the prestigious title this week and became Troop of the Week #266!

Access Report


Hey BOO-tiful Rebels! Today we logged onto Battleground – CPAB for a ghoulish time as we continue to celebrate the month of October. For this event, we dressed up in our best Halloween costumes and performed some tricky tactics and treat-worthy formations. Then, we ended the day with a fun game of Hide n’ Seek! Thanks for all the fun we had together, and special congrats to the winners…

Access Report


Hello rebels! In light of October finally arriving and Halloween being a lot closer than we think, the RNM Contest Team is back with a spooky-filled contest!

This year, the Contest Team challenges you to do any or all of the following: dress your penguin in the best Halloween costume you can think of, decorate your igloo to your spooky level of preference, come up with a spooky event idea, make or share a spooky piece of artwork, and/or come up with a Halloween themed meme! The winners of each category will receive the Spooky Season Royalty role, as well as their entry(s) being featured and/or happening in the future! Access Report