Hello Rebels, RPF’s current discord server was launched in March 2019 and in the short span of 3 years we’ve reached a server size of 12,700+, the highest in our 15 year history. However, we have no intentions of slowing down or stopping. Our 15th anniversary in May is a few weeks away and we aim to hit a milestone of 13,000 server members by then and keep advancing forward. To this end, RPF is reorganizing its resources to streamline our recruiting process by creating the RPF Recruiting Battalion, which will be open to all troops. To find out how you can contribute and the perks of joining, click on the read more tag!
Read on for a recap of our events leading up to the March Madness Quarterfinals!
Hi Rebels! Today, we sped onto ASCENT – CPRewritten with some stylish sport clothes to give ourselves a real workout! After some sweating doing sick formations, tactics and push-ups, we had a fashion show! Everyone looked great, but there could only be one winner… Access Report
The rebels logged on to Sleet – CP Rewritten wearing our snazzy uniforms for our long awaited March Madness Quarterfinals against ACP. Both sides fought valiantly, showing off their quick formations and clever tactics. But as we all already know, only one can move onto the next round.
The winner of today’s battle is…
Troop of the Week #240
Troop of the Week #240
With March Madness season upon us and great battles and prizes from that, it’s been an exciting week for the Rebels! It’s been awesome seeing everyone get hyped up for that. With that said, here’s another thing to hype up: the Troop of the Week!
Operation: Tea Triumph [US]
Hey Rebels! For Today’s VC led US event, we logged onto Abominable – CPRewritten for a fun bubble tea training event! We went around the island holding our boba’s in hand and practiced swift tactics and neat forms! Amazing job today. Rebels!
MAX: 25
AVG: 24
Make sure to comment below with your Discord Username and Rank if you attended!
Card Jitsu is back! To celebrate its return to Club Penguin Rewritten, there are a few Ninja secrets to be uncovered in this month’s issue!
REBELS ASSEMBLE! Want an event that is full of feels and have the feeling of your heart ripped out? Then look no further! We logged onto ABOMINABLE–CPRewritten wearing the QUICKSILVER WIG for a MARVEL THEMED event! We defended the island with our heroic tactics and speedy formations!
AVG: 23
Don’t forget to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended!
Hiya Rebels! In today’s AUSIA event, we logged on to Zipline – CPRewritten for Operation: Spicy! Wearing the hot sauce costume, we warmed up the island with our king spice worthy tactics and flaming formations to fire ourselves up for the upcoming tournament! Fiery job, Rebels!
MAX: 32
AVG: 28
Don’t forget to comment your Discord name and rank below if you attended today’s event!
Hey Rebels! Today we logged on to Ascent – CPRewritten for our EU event, Operation: Getting Ripped! We wore the Earthquake coat and strengthened up our forms and tactics during this training event! Great job at today’s event, Rebels!
MAX: 27
AVG: 24
Be sure to comment your Discord name and rank below if you attended today’s event!