For our fourth event as part of the RPF Anniversary Week, we logged on to Zipline~CPR for a fabulous fashion show. Everyone dressed up in their best drip in hopes of snagging the dub and we even got to hang out in a spectacular igloo! With a twist, the troops even got to judge their fellow Rebels’ outfits in the contest. We also performed some hype tactics and swag formations! Great job at the AUSIA event Rebels!

And the winners are…

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For today’s EU event, we logged onto Crystal – CPRewritten for Operation: Projected Figures. In this one, we continued RPF’s 14 Year Anniversary Week by having a movie-inspired event! The Rebels chose to dress up as either a character from The Little Mermaid, Indiana Jones, Shrek, Despicable Me, or Spiderman. We waddled around the island in our movie costumes doing action-packed tactics, speedy and forms worthy for the spotlight! Fantastic job today Rebels!

MAX: 51

AVG: 49

Make sure you comment with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

Access Report


To continue this week of special events, for our US event, we logged onto ZIPLINECPRewritten. To celebrate part of RPF’s 14th anniversary week, we wore outfits that represent our own ranks. From red to purple, it surely made a colorful event!

MAX: 63

AVG: 61

Don’t forget to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended! 

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