Hey Rebels! For today’s uniformed AUSIA event, we logged onto TUXEDO on CPArmies to prepare for our practice battle against our allies, Help Force! The battle will take place during AUSIA on Saturday!  Tactics and formations were fast and our troops were sharp! Amazing job today rebels!

MAX: 42


Rebels, remember to comment your Discord Name and Rank if you attended! 😀 (And react in #announcements if you plan on attending the practice battle this Saturday.)

Access Report

Rebel Potter Week: Sorting Hat Quiz

Which Hogwarts House Do You Belong In?

As Rebel Potter Week arrives, there are many exciting things planned for the week. To kick things off, it’s time to see what Hogwarts House you belong to. This simple quiz gives you the opportunity to receive a House assignment, based on your answers, and you’ll receive a matching House Role in the RPF Discord server. Get ready to flaunt and show some support for your House!

Access Report


Today we logged onto Tuxedo – CPArmies for our EU event to practice for our practice battle against the Army of Club Penguin this Saturday! We donned our RPF uniforms and practiced forms and tactics! Make sure you’ve reacted in #announcements if you’re able to come to the practice battle!

Comment your Discord name and rank if you attended!

MAX: 54

AVG: 51

Room 1 – Berg

Room 2 – Inside Mine

Room 3 – Docks

Max Pic

Thank you for the event pictures!

Patrick – Major General


For todays EU event, Operation: Heart of the Cards, we logged on to Ascent for an epic Card Jitsu tournament! We all had a grand time battling it out to see who will come out on top in today’s tourney as well as cheering on our fellow rebels. Everyone had a lot of fun, but there could only be 3 winners in this battle of the cards.

Coming in first place, winning 1000 rebel cash and winning the title of Card Jitsu Master is…

Access Report