An event idea proposed by Z3ming, Air Force and Navy’s weekly branch battle came with a slight twist! Rather than dressing in our usual attire, Air Force donned the pizza apron and chef’s hat whereas Navy repped the coffee apron. Both sides dished it out valiantly, flying pizzas and scalding coffee all around, but there could only be one victor!

The winner is…

Access Report

Operation: Where The Heart Is [AUSIA]

Today we logged on to Zipline for our Igloo raid session, where we helped our troops in earning the igloo party stamps! Everyone enjoyed the event, we did some sweet tactics and formations throughout the event as well!

Max: 50
Average: 47

Comment with your Discord/CPR name and RPF rank if you attended this event!

Access Report


For today’s AUSIA event, we logged onto Marshmallow, for Operation: Rebel Band. We played our instruments as we went around the island performing tactics and formations. Great job, rebels!

MAX: 67

AVG: 58

Be sure to comment your discord name and rank if you attended!

Access Report

Troop Of The Week #147

Troop Of The Week #147

We’ve had an eventful week so far in the Rebel Penguin Federation, packed with trainings and more. Many troops have been working hard, recruiting, attending events, and helping out, with new faces joining the server each day. But this week, one troop stood out the most to us. So without further ado, this week’s Troop Of The Week is…

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