Promotions – 16/06/19

Promotions are here!

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Rebel Commander


Second in Command

Alex | Klein

Head General

1337Mishka | Cassie | Jimmy38983 | Lucy | Pookie437 | Redweeb | Starship | Wolves


AFlyingSpider | BrotherQuack | Weebwad

Lieutenant General

Aishajabz | Amadeus23 | Jtuliaos

Major General

F6sixer | DJCrystal | Eva | Yuli

Brigadier General

 Bscharbach2 | Chaos | Klance42069 | Leothelion | Minipup | Pinkratgirl | Sugarrush298 | Tanseh5


Alina, Ariel, Bennthegunn, Brattybottom, Coolguy1608, Elexonck, Emcee, Ghosts, Gordon, IcyMammi, Joseph, JT, KolowayMarija, Mindy4isback, Ninja82618, Orange37408, Pinkoliv123, Rhett-Superboy, Roqusy, Tunise, Wavy Shell, Witchkiki


100%human, CyberHusky, Dino, Dutske, JJ Alpha Wolf, LilBroomstick, Mathaius, Objectshow, Pedro, Roseybabosey, xBrosGM


Agent 73, CuriousKitty, Dugo1, Infinitivum, nugg was here, Miniapple, Raneosama, Tinandcopper, Zottffss


Arnor, BadRabbit, DigginDino, Pemmin, RipplingSapphire, RoyallySuperb, Taz_Run21

Sergeant Major

BoltGirl, ExplosiveKrypton, Fedd76, Kaigal, NickEman12, Plesiosaurus

Master Sergeant

Billie, Dragan-tron, Dat1mew, DOMESTIC, Frostly, Jack, Mestergamer, Minimelon, Peachy, Penguin Damo, Rosalin, SarcasticPVP, SloapsSolum, Summer, Taz_Run21, Tycho, Yes, Zeinry

Staff Sergeant

ACutePuffle, Bakaa, BOB, Bob Dill, Daisy SMH, DatSosige, Flamesgreen, Funny Bob, Houndstack, Ian12641, LanzCP, Mr. Ribcage, OrchidDreams, Oreoshik4, Ropebunny, shiftOlive, SupaSid


AbbyTurtleGirlAlexboss, Antioch, BerryJuice, Chimken Nugg, Clade, Cosmin250, Dumpster Fire, GodGaben, Hoodie, InfernapeOHKO, JamesTootle, Jay0005, Jstoryhead, Kylobensolo13, Pinpin516, Ray Liotta Private Select, Roogy, Soi Sauce, Spiralink, Sycthe, Tomcat3, The TWR Critic, Utch64, Vinzed N


“UR”Nemesis”, Aymazarre, Bryguy, Chairfuzz, Cheesesteaks, D00d00head, DannZann, Electric Yammie, Elizabeth6133, Fire_Tiger84, GoldMax, Ice, Idublu, Jethreuel, Kenny, KozuKitty, LeftResponse, Mastionn, Meme Galaxy, Nobodies Hero, Nyx, Otakugirl23, Psyql, Refi, Riley, RPG, Rufftherobot, Somewhereoverthe_rainbow,  Squidonyx, Superdan1000, Trydox, Vinayak, Wolfy Daddy, Yamiyugi55, Yirtuji, YoungSheldon

Lance Corporal

3.1416tudo4lliegator, Abiligubili, Ac, Addy, Alexandy1, Alfie, Alphapizzadog, Ambzy, AquaticBurrito, Beltuv, bentacles, Blank, Caitlin, Chase07, Chimney, ComedyAu, Cristal, Daddyrasputin, EmvK, Epicpenguin007, ErgiZombie, Ethan, EZ, Fardh, Foresteyes, Frost, GenericNameForAPerson, Getaway, Gjsolo, Gojira56, Gracer, Heyitssarcasm, Hinkey, Hythonwolf, I’mMelancholy, Iglubeto, iHostz, Jackkbee, Jacob90tvlog, Jetkid8, Jordan82679, Kathy123789, Kristy2020, KumiCake, L3W1SGaming, Lil PP, M9oostic, Mackback319, Marcboi, Mark Ortiz, Merci, MetroPixel, NerminJeCar, PanXaXe, PenGuinGang, Petshop98, Pickles06, Pingu97803, Pinkowlcat, PixelPainter, Purbplace237, Ramona, Rebkelly, Samvolt, Sans, Sarah, Sariel, Sazerac, Schinsly, ShroomTheBoi, SilverCat, SilverStar, Stephx20, Trants, TrueAlienz, Tupac, VoidSquid, Wasabi Barbie, Wew, Xei, xRains, Yasher04, Yeetcake

Private First Class

//, ~missmay~, .:Suiecune:., Alexgamer4710, Alpha_Harry, Amadeyes 2, AmberLights, AMeMario, Amber7776, Androidsong, Aquatic Snek, Atomik 22, Baldo, Baptiste, Beca, Black, BlazinGemstone, BlueIce, Bolio74, Butter, Caraline87, Carterratic, Caspian, Cdubs18, Cemjohns02, CH1GG4CH1GG4, Charflax, Cheepaschip, CluckyCat, Corey, Criime, Cyniford, Deep Nacho, DekuFry, Derp, Diamond Pickaxe, Dokid0ki, Drpowk, Elon Muskett, Emgold12, Esninja, Falcon07, Flame grilled Honda Civic, Flv9, Gabino, GamerofGamers, Gebalis Rale, GenerousJJ, GetOffTheHub, Getaway, G Night, Goontersmonkey, Grandma Bertha, Hank127, Hope can’t discord, Heyitssarcasm, Hidden Pengu, Hooman, Hydro, Inspired Tim, Instant_Ramen, is legally blind, JaxHaxBois, Jay Schulz, Jceenator, Jerry24691, Jess, JollyZe, Jeth, Jhuith, JJM27, Jxcobb, Joaomarcoz, KablamoRyan, KaydenRoblox, Kermit, Kert, Khronos, Kingstar, KinkyKat, Kookie, Koley2, Kurikoh, KuroPengu, Laleaea, Levi, Legee, Lil Ghoul, Lituh, loganswife, Lola Haze, LucyHusband, Maq, Marilyn, Marshmello, Mason, MATTBOSS136, MC Genni, Micderper, Mikey1850, Minato Namikaze, Moon, MrPopsicle, Mxrii, Mynameisred, Natnotnad, Nellionat6, Neptian, Notdiamonds, Nutonmychoppa, OctaviaHazel, Ozzy, Patiboi934, Paulie, Penho, Piwambi, Plebian123, Popboy343, PorkyPotato, Pro_Crafter478, PuineaPig, RainbowFromage, Ralsei, Ramona, Rayyxx_oo, RidiculousPyro64, Red Purge, Rocker125, Romanticc, Sariel, Satimani, Scraggydaman, Sensei, SiVann, Snorlax92, Superdogmee, Squirrelci, Steep, SuperPen100, Tatoro, TEK, ThewTimes, Thepenguin, Tri, Turkeydude, Ultra, UnderRep, Unfound, Used up eebeeWingblade02, xx uwu xx, YahBearAlone, YaikoTV, YeeBoiTeePose, Yikes.mp4,Yinguin16, YoungSheldon, Zacklikethat, ๖̶̶̶ۣۣۜۜ͜ζ[Ҝ丨ᗪ


4CR, 9yz, 987Leo, Acknowledger, Ackoroth, Addy Hargreeves, Agent J, Alex70982, Andric, Angelina, AngelQuinzel, Animenerd, Applepieyay, Atlantis, Antguy, Azawow, AniMic, Astarr, B3AST, Bipmi, BB98Bait, Bdubs, Beidsgv_, Beto, Biffer, Big Chungus Royale, Bloom, Bonsai, Bowlim, Boy29, Breakable_Eggshell, Bregos, Brownky, Butter, ByeChaArale, Cabbage, CactusChris, Caitlin, Carly, CherryBxmb, Clicki, Comma, Crazy4pokemon, Cyborg, Dabbie0, Daisy47, Daisy5434, Dark Angel, Dakaa, DeathKnight, Db0215, DDewing, Dode5656, DomDude, Douglas, DragoCubed, Dragon, dragonfoot, Drewr23, Dude826, Dumbledont, Dusk, EduDude, Ellersbane, Emilio, EmoMimo, Enemursenpai, EPF Luka, Erin, Faith, Faraday, FattyTuna, Fawna8275, FedoraMan, Flamingblitz, Fleety, Foofoo1216, FlareRC, FreeAethernet, Freeze, Fugu Fish, Gabbygums, Gabosqui, GalaxyFrostFoxYT, Gam3rgiirl, Gardenfemme, GhostStrike, Gibby, GrayBx, Griselda, Gojira3, Hezzerz, HHHippo, Hkwap, Hobbit, Honda Civic, Hope can’t discord, Horse.JPG, HydraBot, Hypnos, IcyChicken, I’mNotAHelicopter, ImNotHereForThePokecord, Im just anonymous trash, Initiate, Itel_s, itzHeav, Izzywizzy2103, Jacksjacobs1, Jake., Jackiethebox, Jakerimmerok, Jaseadan88, Jaydenj8, Jeisenberg, Jelly, Jennytiger, Jetropulsion, Jezzaboy, Joe2o3, Jokeroni, JonasBC, Juancho, Judah, JUSS Ronard, Jxcobb, Kaaale, KarinaStark, Kat, Kate, Katie, Kcast12, Kermit, Ketchup04, Kichie, Kirby_390, KirbBoi, Kje8, Klitz6, Komaedas, Koramikino, Kristof56, Krongus5091, KrunkYogurt, LankyKing, Lapis13, Laravel, LavHart, LegHair, LilJuuly, Liz123474, Lord Kelvin, Lort533, LowlyTejvir, Luca, Luigi2006, LuK0, Lucireo, Magic, Maid, Margarita, Margeobur, Maya, Mayxo, McGuff, Mcnugget577, Meltingsky35, Metal Matt, Maxii, Mia, Micderper, Minmo, Moony, Mr.Wright, MSpaint, Mystiic, lacer, Natelenya, Naurtle, NayalexNight, Nbush568, NerdyDragon42, Nico,, NinjaVampyre, Nobody, NoisyB5, NootNoot95, Nowdotheharlemshake, NoodleDoodle, Nylaxx, Oacio, O’rion, Olio, Oliver, Paddy, Paigie, Parkour Lover, Party music, PegasusP, PenguinMongul, Peter Griffin, Phoebebuffay34, piercethedev, Pigeon, Pinklenuget, Pinkydopo, Pistoletto, Pizzelated, Popcorn414, Possum Boi, PressPlustoStart, quarrtz, q8 axm, Rachel, rararin161, Ready1242, Reagan, Ree, Reejeebee, RepEpic, RizwanCPPS, Rodney Morash, ROFLbird, Roger Mini, Rossge11er, Rubix, Saffyboo, Sammie050301, Saraya1993, Sasuto, Scott, Sedrech, sEven, Sharky Boii, Shazam01, ShookFalcon, Shuf, Slat, Slum, SnoopyGames, Solly, Sp000ked, Spikedbruh, Stamppenguin, Starr, Staryuubro, Sticky Weiner, Suiecune, Swaggy, SweetGumba, Swon, Taino, Tem4Lifem, Tesbian, Tess, TexSupport, Thaw, TheColumbian, Thog, Tiffyxoxo, TimmyDaBoy, Tjb246, TomTom, TookieMan, Toonie, Trotskyman, Truizbr, Tumblegamer, Tweck, TwirlyPanda, Understandable, Vegfj, VengeantEntropy, Vercel, Vorinx, Vesuvius00, Wiggyy, Wynian, Wow, Xeir, XMasterWeebX, You Got That, YungRudy, Yupi, Zeke

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