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Month: February 2020
Joker Stairs
Heya, Rebels! Today, we logged on to Marshmallow for our EU/US event, Operation: Rainbow Rebels! For this event, we dressed up in the color of our ranks and went around the island showing off some awesome tactics and formations! Great job, Rebels! MAX: 63 AVG: 60 Remember to comment below with your…
Heya Rebels! Today we put on our uniforms and logged on to Marshmallow Town for our training event, Operation: Ascension. We did lots of quick tactics and fun formations, great work everyone! Max: 22 Avg: 22 Don’t forget to comment your discord name and rank if you attended!
Strike Force Briefing: 2nd Week of February
The following are the Rebel Penguin Federation Strike Force events for the week, 2/9 to 2/15.
Heya Rebels! For today’s EU/US event we had a special branch battle! We logged on to Beanie wearing Red or Blue puffle outfits and competed to see whether the Navy or Air Force would come out on top. Air Force Victory! Max: 60 Avg: 57 Make sure to comment your…
Hi, Rebels! Today, we logged onto Sleet for our AUSIA event, Operation: Rise of the Rebels! We wore the RPF uniform and practiced our expeditious forms and stellar tactics! Fantastic job, everyone! MAX: 19 AVG: 17 Don’t forget to comment below with your discord name and rank if you attended!
Troop of the Week #130 It’s been a good week for the Rebel Penguin Federation, with fun events for all regions! We’ve had many new members joining, so a huge thank you to everyone who’s been recruiting and a huge welcome to our newest troop! Deciding the Troop of the…
Hey Rebels! Today we logged onto Marshmallow for our US event Operation: Cupid! We dressed up in red and pink to celebrate Valentines Day, showing off great tactics as we went! Great job today Rebels! MAX: 48 AVG: 44 Make sure to comment below with your discord name and rank!
FIELD-OPS – 2/14/2020
Hey Rebels! Want the most reliable Field-Ops guide for Club Penguin Rewritten? Well, the Rebel Penguin Federation can provide you with the accurate guide with frequent updates for the Field-Ops in CPR! To view our mascot tracker, codes, and various other special secrets, join us on our Discord by clicking here.