For today’s EU event, we logged on to Mammoth for Operation: Stamps Ahoy. We matched around the island, collecting group stamps and helping out other penguins. Max: 98 Avg: 88 Make sure to comment with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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For today’s AUSIA event, we held Operation: Tempest on Crystal! We demonstrated some spiffy tactics and forms in a training event wearing our uniform. Awesome work by everyone who attended! MAX: 51 AVG: 47 If you attended, comment below with your name & rank!

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Troop of the Week #137

Troop of the Week #137 It’s been a good week for the Rebel Penguin Federation, with fun events for all regions! We’ve had many new members joining, so a big thank you to everyone who’s been recruiting and a huge welcome to our newest troops! Deciding the Troop of the…

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Today we logged onto Toboggan for our EU event Operation: Warp Speed! We wore the RPF uniform and practised our fast paced forms and tactics! Great job today rebels! MAX: 77 AVG: 72 Make sure to comment with your discord rank and name if you attended!

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