Operation: Talk Like Yoda [EU]

An event, we have today yes! Celebrating ‘Talk like Yoda’ day, we decided to launch on Warzone – CPA Battleground! We all dressed up like the ever famous little green Star Wars character, in his famous robes, lightsaber, and greenery. We used the force to throw off our wise tactics…

Access Report

Operation: The Bees Knees [EU]

Time to get bee-sy with this EU event as we fly towards CPRewritten – Abominable in this bee event! We wore the bee outfit using the code BEESKNESS as we started buzzing all around the island. We flew around buzzing honey-sweet tactics and bee-line forms all over our territory. Bee-autiful job…

Access Report


The Rebels are deployed onto Sleet – CPRewritten fitted in our black uniforms as we approach the March Madness Semifinals facing off against our allies the Ice Warriors! The two BIA powerhouses used their sheer willpower into retaliating with witty tactics and rapid forms. As always, only one side can be crowned…

Access Report

Operation: Box O’ Buffles [EU]

All the newly released puffles in the island have been quite hungry after the lengthy wait, explaining their constant appetite for Puffle O’s! The Rebels have been tracking them down by logging onto Abominable – CPRewritten, only to find several Puffle O’s Boxes near the Ski Lodge which we used…

Access Report

Operation: The Headband [US]

Time to head together fellow Rebels for a fun banding time up at CPRewritten – Abominable! We went ahead and sported any type of headband on our bald penguin spots! We flexed our heads-rolling tactics as well as our tight fitted forms. Wonderful work today Rebels, certainly a way to…

Access Report

Operation: Good or Anvil? [US]

Watch your heads Rebels! We have witnesses of anvils raining all over CPRewritten – Abominable, falling down on the skulls of penguins. Ouch! We decided to wear these anvils as hats as we march through the island! We landed some heavy landing tactics and sturdy looking forms! Thank you for…

Access Report