Club Penguin Rewritten January 2019 Igloo Catalog Secrets
Hello all! The igloo catalog has just been updated, so there are loads of new secret items to be found! Keep reading to find out where they are.
Hello all! The igloo catalog has just been updated, so there are loads of new secret items to be found! Keep reading to find out where they are.
Hello everyone! Club Penguin Rewritten released their December 2018 igloo catalogue a while ago. With the catalogue comes many secret items that can be purchased. Read this post to find out where they are!
Click HERE to join the Rebel Federation, the BIGGEST group on CP Rewritten! We have loads of fun events as well as mascot trackers and catalog secrets! Greetings, Rebels! Today we bring you the exclusive secrets of the January gift shop catalogue! Read on to find out what they are:
Hello! Club Penguin Rewritten just released their December 2018 clothes catalog, available in the Gift Shop! With the catalog comes many secret items that can be purchased. Read this post to find out where they are!
HEY GUYS! Today I’m here with a post of the secretly hidden items in the latest Snow and Sports Catalog. All hidden items are located below!
Greetings, Rebels! Today I’m here with a post of the secretly hidden items in this months Gift Shop Catalogue. So I’ll just get on with the secrets and not make an annoyingly long paragraph.
Hello RF! Welcome to the step by step guide on how to acquire the current RF uniform. This page will be frequently be updated as we change and adjust our uniform. The RF uniform is what we always wear to events unless there a specific costume was announced for the…
WASSUP REBELS! It’s me Mishka, here with (my first ever) Catalogue Secrets post! In this post ill be showing you all the catalogue secrets for the current penguin style catalogue so you can buy or wear those super secret items hidden in every month’s catalogue.