Day In The Life: Mod Edition

Welcome back to part 2 of Rebel Broadcast Team’s Day in the Life! Last time in part 1, we learned about the irl of some of our beloved HCOMs. In this special edition, we’re going to take you behind the scenes of what some of the Officers do in their daily lives outside of RPF.

Anya, RPF Major General:

I’m still studying (unfortunately) so I have classes sprinkled throughout the day and night ๐Ÿ˜‚ย  In between I’m usually just messing with my phone/discord or trying to get a short nap in LOL I’m like the least organized person you’ll ever meet haha. I don’t like having a routine/schedule to follow, I just do stuff randomly whenever I feel like it. I’m still learning to juggle between irl and RPF and gosh it is hard. I’ve never been good at multitasking or time management so I used to put RPF above irl (bc who likes studying ??) and it’s smth I’m trying to change. I’d say my irl and RPF duties are intertwined with each other, I can’t exactly pinpoint like oh I use this time for irl and that time for RPF. I’m a “go with the flow” type of person ๐Ÿ˜„ย  With the pandemic & everything going on, I’m stuck at home so can’t exactly do much :c I’m usually tired/bored so you’ll just see me lazing around in my free time ๐Ÿ˜Œ

EmeraldGreen, Lieutenant General:

Whenever I wake up, I have to survive through 6 hours of school for the week. Senior year started around 2 weeks for me so I’m still trying to balance my schedule with all that’s coming up. Not to mention that I have a pretty heavy course load since I’m aiming to go to University for my post-secondary! As for hobbies: I really like to listen to music (L.I.P: Lofi, Indie, Pop) and do some digital painting (sometimes both!!) I’ve also been working on my health too so I like to alternate between walks, meditation, yoga, and pilates throughout the week! Highly recommend y’all try those out by the way ๐Ÿ™‚ I also volunteer at a social nights club few months back which happens every Thursday! Its where teens (like moi) learn about stuff relevant to teens like school and mental health. I help with making presentations and its a lot of fun! Whenever I get home from school, I take a long nap to recharge my batteries (15 mins to an hour depending on how tired I was) then get straight to every students favourite past-time: homework! Whenever I’m working on schoolwork, I like to work for 25 minutes then take a 5 minute break and I keep repeating that cycle until my work is done! During that 5 minute break, I check on Discord for a bit to see what I missed out and chill in main. I always (try to, at least) put my schoolwork and other IRL stuff first then my RPF duties later, so in terms of events during the week I try to attend the Tuesday US and Friday US since I’d be done/nearly done with my schoolwork by then. The weekend is really the time where I can have a lot of leisure, so thats where I’ve been focusing on to help with my share of the staff duties. I attend the Saturday and Sunday events and also do some recruiting and help with Tux Times there! Like I said before, still working on balancing my life and schedule properly but hopefully I’ll get the hang of it!

Mars, RPF General

I am currently a senior in high school in person, so i wont lie my days have been pretty jam-packed recently LOL! The first thing i do when i wake up is check my phone which includes discord as well. I make sure read up on dms and relevant staff chats and all that jazz. I then continue to get ready for the day and leave my house around 7am or so. I continue on with my school day and i try my best to check discord a few times throughout the day so i wont have too much to read up on when i get home. After school, I spend my time doing homework or just focusing on college stuff (like applications or my submission essay.) During the night time I hangout with friends or family and just relax a bit!
I prefer in person school as opposed to online school because I love being able to socialize with all my friends but the only downside is having to miss both AUSIA and EU events during the school week. To help balance this out, I try my best to put in my full effort during other events and I recruit whenever I have the chance!
I dont have any huge hobbies besides just hanging out with my friends out of school which has been pretty often recently, one of the big things i am looking forward to is friday night football games!!! I also work part time at a local grocery store to help save up for college. Whenever I am not busy IRL you can find me hanging out in main chat or watching my favorite streamers on twitch. I also love hanging out with my RPF friends playing Minecraft or just vcing!

Thank you so much to Anya, EmeraldGreen, and Mars for taking the time to share a glimpse into their daily lives with us! Make sure to run ‘.iam Broadcast Ping’ in #bots to be the first to know whenever a new post comes out!


You're doing amazing sweetie

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