Day In The Life: HCOM Edition

One of the perks of being on the RPF staff team is getting to be online and spending a lot of time in the server chatting and attending events! Sometimes though, staff members have duties that call elsewhere, a place far away from the internet. 😮 So what happens when they go offline and into IRL? Read more to discover what some of RPF HCOM does in their daily lives in this first edition of Day in the Life!

Yodabobobo, RPF Third in Command:

I usually have my Discord duties in RPF and other servers, which I check frequently to stay up to date. I also do a ton of IRL Stuff. Currently I am on summer vacation so those IRL activities are limited but I go out when I can and also have classes or robotics that I have to worry about. Also have been doing preparations for college application season.
However usually during the year I have high school which I have to focus on. Classes take up most of the day and then I also have clubs that I have to focus on. After classes I have homework and studying to do, but then I usually hang on Discord until I sleep.
Routine usually is school/IRL Stuff during the day and when I can I get on Discord for RPF stuff. I do prioritize IRL duties especially school related things over RPF. HW and studying always comes before RPF. I do however make sure I get some chatting in everyday in the RPF server and attend events whenever I possibly can. Also as part of RPF Duties, I moderate chats as well as participate in RNM teams, including Contests, Party Planning Committee, as well as leading Rebel Broadcast Team!
I do a lot hobbies and activities. For example I play tennis each week. I also play the piano and saxophone and take lessons for those which are either weekly or biweekly. I am part of a few clubs and play in a few musical groups such as the school wind ensemble, school jazz ensemble, and a local region band program. I also do enjoy playing other video games when I have free time like Minecraft or Call of Duty Mobile. Most of all I do love being in RPF everyday and making friends with people and chilling in chat.

Brenatto, RPF Second in Command:

First thing I do after waking up, besides normal stuff like brushing my teeth, is (unfortunately) check Discord for anything important. I’ll attend an AUSIA event if there is one; otherwise, I’ll go do other stuff like practice chess or watch YouTube videos. Current system I have is 50 minutes of “productive stuff” and 10 minutes of messing around. Usually I’ll check Discord every hour or so, just so I don’t have a lot of stuff to read up on at once.

In terms of RPF duties (without revealing too much), I help with most stuff you associate with HCOM: event planning, choosing TOTW (it could be you oooh), weighing in on promotions, etc. There’s not a crazy amount that goes on behind the scenes, at least for me, and it’s manageable as long as I stay on schedule. Being 2ic isn’t really much different from being 3ic, except I have an orange name when I give my opinions. I never set aside a time to specifically do RPF stuff, so it’s sprinkled among (sus) the rest of my day.

Touching grass is something I simply… don’t do LOL, I’m usually at my computer from when I wake up to when I sleep except for eating, showering, and taking walks. Don’t be like me kids!!!

Elexonck, RPF Rebel Commander:

When I wake up, one of the first things I do is check Discord. It’s habit at this point and usually I read up on relevant staff channels and whatnot. During the school year I have class, and if it’s in person I need to leave before 7am to get there on time. Even when I’m in class I often find myself sneaking onto Discord… online class definitely made this worse! During the summer it’s a bit easier but I still have work and whatnot to keep up with. I can’t always spend as much time just chatting in RPF as I’d like, but I try to pop by whenever I can during the day time. I tend to be around more at night which is when I like to recruit if I have time, and work on the RPF YouTube. I also like to be available as much as possible in case I need to direct staff on anything. There’s often some things only I can do such as promotions and activity logs, so on Mondays I usually have to give quite a few hours to setting RPF up for the coming week. Monday – though it’s break day, is probably one of the busiest days for me in RPF. Seeing as I’m going back to school soon and won’t have work as much, I actually expect to get better at managing irl and RPF (which is the opposite of most people). When I have a set schedule, I know how much time I can give and how to make the most of it!

Special thanks to Yoda, Bren, and Elex for taking the time to share their daily routines with us. Make sure to keep an eye out on #rebel-broadcast for part 2!

-Alienn, Major General


You're doing amazing sweetie

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