Operation: ALL CAPS [EU]

Hey Rebels! For today’s EU event we logged onto Zipline – CPR for an awesome ball cap event! We went around the island in our caps doing cap-tivating tactics and hat-tastic forms for Operation: All Caps! Amazing job today as always Rebels!

MAX: 47

AVG: 40

Make sure you comment with your Discord Username and Rank if you attended!

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To celebrate our recent event contest winner submission, we logged onto Zipline – CPRewritten to bring Avril‘s Winnie the Pooh event to life! Wearing the yellow frog hat and red shirt, we grabbed our honey and fellow rebel pals to perform our sweetest tactics. Spectacular work today!

MAX: 46

AVG: 45

Make sure you comment with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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Behind The Emote: HCOM

Hey rebels! Today we are going to present a special post from the Rebel Broadcast Team about HCOM’s favourite emotes! Sharki and I, Yas, went around to each HCOM member and asked them about their top 3 favourite emotes and why they were their favourites! So without further ado, let’s get right into it :coolkid:

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Rebel Penguin Federation vs. Ice Warriors – The Real Deal

April 18, 2021: two giants in the current army scene, the Rebel Penguin Federation and the Ice Warriors, logged onto Ascent. We’ve seen this matchup happen time and time again, whether that was Legends Cup X‘s semifinals or the finals of Christmas Chaos X. Every time, hype fills the atmosphere of both armies; the collision of two brother allies is bound to be exciting. This practice battle – nicknamed “The Real Deal”  – was no less intense.

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For today’s EU event, we logged onto AscentCPRewritten wearing our croccable crocs, the only difference between us and our crocs was our hole-less forms and impeccable tactics! Also, with this special event, was lead by our very own OFFICERS. Incrocible job today rebels!



Don’t forget to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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Whether you’re tossing pizza, pouring coffee, or serving ice cream; aprons are always there to save you from all sorts of mess. Not to mention they’re easy to wear and come in various designs, what else could you possibly ask for? To prove these statements, we hopped on to Crystal – Town on CP Rewritten rocking our stylish and functional aprons. Great work at bonking and scooping today, Rebels!

MAX: 30

AVG: 28

Make sure to comment down your Discord username and rank to let us know that you attended today!

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For today’s EU/US event, we had a three-way branch battle with our branches, Navy and Air Force, and Silver Empire! We logged onto Crystal on CPRewritten and had a wonderful battle. Everyone served their teams well with lively tactics and brisk forms. The result is…

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