Today we logged onto CPArmies- Tuxedo for our US event! In this uniformed training event we practiced speedy forms and tactics in preparation for tomorrow’s battle against the Water Vikings! Great job to everyone who attended, and keep fighting the good fight!

MAX: 42

AVG: 41

Remember to comment your Discord name and rank down below if you attended!

Access Report


For today’s magical AUSIA event we logged onto Deep Freeze dressed in our finest robes and showed off some awesome forms and tactics! Did we have some Liquid Luck before this or are we just that good? Fantastic job today witches and wizards!

MAX: 41
AVG: 38

Be sure to comment your Discord name and rank below if you attended!

Access Report


Hey there wizards! Today we logged onto Crystal – CPR for a fun Find Four Tournament! Rebels wore their Hogwarts House’s colors and put their skills to the test, competing for the Wizard Grandmaster role! Hope you had fun, and without more preamble, here are the winners…
Access Report


Today we logged onto Tuxedo on CPArmies for our EU event, Operation: Defense Against The Dark Arts! We wore our uniform but with a magical twist and showed off some sorcerous tactics and formations! Wonderful job today rebels!

MAX: 49

AVG: 49

Don’t forget to comment your discord name and rank if you attended.

Access Report

Battle Between Allies: Rebel Penguin Federation versus Help Force

On October 3rd, 2020, The Rebel Penguin Federation and the Help Force, two superpowers in the AUSIA scene, took to Alaska – CPArmies for an intense practice battle. Judged by CP Army Hub judges AlphaLaura, FatChicken88, and Mythic, both armies entered this battle with a good chance. If this battle seems familiar, it’s because it is. Both of these armies went at it in another AUSIA practice battle on August 30th. With few changes to both armies since the last practice battle, this battle could have really gone either way.

Access Report


Today we logged on to Mammoth for a fun round of Hide and Seek with HCOM vs the troops. We searched the island far and wide in search of the perfect spot that would conceal us from the HCOM seekers. HCOM wandered the island in search of every last troop. The winners of the US Hide and Seek event are the…

Access Report


For this mischievous AUSIA event to kick off our Rebel Potter Week (which you can learn more about here), we logged on to Zipline for a fun game of HCOM vs troops hideandseek! We all an absolute blast finding creative hiding spots and staying out of the sight of the HCOM seekers. The winners of this Ausia hide-and-seek are…

Access Report

Operation: Sokovia Accords [EU/US]

Today we had a contest-winning EU/US Branch Battle suggested by Link3000! The rebels logged onto Tuxedo – CPArmies where Air Force dressed up as Iron Man and Navy dressed up as Captain America. This week’s battle presented marvelous tactics from both sides, but only one team could assemble the win.

The winner is…

Access Report