Today we logged onto Blizzard for our AUSIA event! We wore the pizza apron and chef’s hat and went around the island performing cheesy tactics and formations. Good job today, Rebels!

MAX: 75


Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank below if you attended!


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Operation: Water Works [AUSIA]

For our AUSIA event today, we logged onto Blizzard for Operation: Water Works. In this event, we wore the Water Suit 3000 and went around the island expertly performing formations and tactics! Brilliant job today rebels!

MAX: 62

AVG: 58

Be sure to comment your Discord Name and Rank if you attended!

Access Report


As part of the Club Penguin Army Media Premier League, we held a battle against the formidable Army of Club Penguin on Crystal! Showing off the fruits of this week’s labor and training, we performed some stunning tactics and formations. It’s no wonder that, once more, we won with grace!

MAX: 111
AVG: 105

If you attended, be sure to comment below with your name and rank!

Access Report


For our AUSIA event today, we logged onto Crystal for Operation: Crushers. In this event, we wore the RPF uniform and went around the island performing quick formations and tactics in preparation for our huge battle later today! Awesome job today, rebels!

MAX: 45

AVG: 44

Be sure to comment your discord name and rank if you attended!

Access Report


Troop Of The Week #138

We’ve had an exciting week in the Rebel Penguin Federation, with many training events building up to our big tournament battles as we fight to compete in the CPAM Finals! We had many new faces join our ranks this week, but one troop who really stood out to us for this week. This week’s Troop Of The Week is… Access Report