Division Recap


29th July’19 – 4th August’19

Greetings Rebels,

We are back to give you a synopsis of the week’s events to see our tactics and forms! This was a very busy week for everyone, click Read More to find out how it went!

Access Report


Heya Rebels!

Today we logged onto Blizzard for our AUSIA event, Operation: Princess Power. In this event, we presented our royalty as RPF’s beautiful princesses to the rest of CPR by wearing the pink princess outfit with the wand.

MAX: 45+

AVG: 38

Comment your Discord name and rank below if you attended.

Access Report


Hello Rebels!

Today we logged on to Ascent for our EU/US event,  Operation: Hide and Seek – HCom VS Troops. HCOM went around the island looking for ingeniously well hidden troops. The winner of this epic hide and seek event was …


Congrats to HCom on beating the toops!

MAX: 30+


Make sure to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended.


Access Report

Operation: Branch Recruiting Battle [AUSIA]

Hey there Rebels!

Today we logged onto Blizzard for a special Branch Recruiting Battle! Navy and Air Force did tactics altogether for 5 minutes, and then we spread out across the island to obtain the most recruits by the end! But after the battle, there can only be one winner with a total of 2 recruits…

Air Force!

Max: 27+

Avg: 25

Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended!

Access Report

Comment for Promotion


Comment the following information

  1. Your name on the RF site
  2. Your current rank
  3. The number of events you attended this week (From Monday, July 29th)
  4. Any other reasons you feel should be noted while considering your promotion (like recruiting)

Operation: MOAB [AUSIA]

Hello Rebels

Today we logged onto Deep Freeze for our AUSIA event Operation: MOAB (Mother of All Bombs)! We practiced our emotes and word bombs to make them as big as they can be! The event was really fun with some amazing tactics and forms! Great event everybody!


Average: 20

Make sure to comment down below if u attended the event!

Access Report

Troop Of The Week #102

Troop of the Week #102

It’s been a fantastic week for the Rebel Penguin Federation, with great events for all regions! We’ve had a surge of new members joining, even with the tons of Olympics events, so a huge thank you to everyone who’s been recruiting, and a welcome to our newest Rebels! Deciding the Troop of the Week is always a difficult task and it took a lot of discussion. However, there was one troop who really stood out to us. This week’s troop of the week is…

Lance has been a member of the RPF for a while now, making his entrance in March. Since then, he has subtly rose through the ranks and obtained the position of Officer.  He can always be found in chat, talking to his friends and making new ones along the way. He truly is a model of what we consider an ideal troop and for that reason we have decided that Lance deserves this week’s title of Troop of The Week! Congratulations!

Operation: Wrapped Rebels [US]

Hey there Rebels!

For today’s EU event we logged onto Sleet for Operation: Wrapped Rebels. We dressed in the mummy costume from the stage and went around the island in our wraps, performing fun tactics.

Max: 63+

Avg: 60

Amazing job to all who attended! Be sure to comment your discord name and rank below.

Access Report