Greeting Rebels!

For today’s US event, we’ve had igloo raids on Beanie. We’ve helped each one of our RF members get the two difficult igloo stamps. Tactics were astounding and everyone was able to bring home their new igloo stamps. Great job everyone!

MAX: 48+


Access Report

Operation: Esteban [US]

Hello, RF!

For today’s US event, we logged onto Zipline to carry out Operation: Esteban.  We wore the doorman outfit from the Stage and the color yellow.  Our tactics and formations looked excellent throughout the event.  Great job to all who attended!

MAX: 50+
AVG: 48

Comment your name and rank if you attended!

Access Report


Hey Rebels!

Today I am going to be showing you how to complete the seventh PSA mission: Clockwork Repairs.

If you don’t know how to access the HQ and the mission panel, click here

If you wish to attempt the mission yourself, don’t read any further as there will be spoilers!

Teleport to the HQ and click on the mission and then click “Start Mission” to begin.

Access Report


Hey Rebels!

There is a new play at The Stage this month: Ruby and the Ruby

Including new costumes and set, the play has a secret hidden pin!

To find the pin follow the steps below:

  1. Click the chest of drawers in the top left.
    Click 1
  2. Click the lamp on the desk at the bottom.
    Click 2
  3. Click the bin in the centre section.
    Click 3
  4. Click the book on the desk at the bottom.
    Click 4
  5. Click the vase of flowers near the top right.
    Click 5
  6. Click the painting on the wall on the right side of the Stage, the painting will fall off to reveal a safe.
    Click 6
  7. Click the safe, and it will open to reveal a hidden ruby pin! Click the ruby to collect your prize!
    Click 7

Full Picture

There are also two secret items hidden in the Costume Trunk catalogue:

On page 3, click on the doorknob shown to find a Dark Detective’s Coat

On the very last page, you can drag the “How do I get coins?” sticker down, to reveal a hidden background!

Thanks for reading, and have fun finding all the secrets at The Stage!


Hello, RF!

For today’s US event, we logged onto Beanie to carry out Operation: Stamp Frenzy.  Our tactics were colorful and our formations were well-performed.  We collected tons of stamps and had an excellent event overall.  Great job to all who attended!

MAX: 60+
AVG: 54

Comment your name and rank if you attended!

Access Report