RNM Emote Contest – [23/7/24]

Heya Rebels with the LCXII finals coming up the RNM Contest Team is back with another very fun contest for you guys!

well, you saw from the title of the post but that’s right!! The well-awaited Emote Contest is back! so send any member on the contest team your favourite, best quality, relatable, iconic emotes for everyone to enjoy as well as possibly get it added to the server’s long list of emoji’s

All winners will receive a Rebel Cash reward and an exclusive role for the 1st place prize winner!

Contest Rules:

-No more than five entries per person

– If the same file were to be submitted twice by two different people, the person who sent it first will get to keep that entry, and we’ll let the other one change their submission.

– All entries must be in either PNG or APNG format, and any file should not exceed 500kb.

– All entries must follow RPF #rules

All entries must be submitted by August 4th

Be sure to have fun with this! and don’t forget to reach out to any member of the Contest Team if you have any questions or concerns. Good luck!

-Ella | Second in Command



♡A smile never goes out of style♡

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