
Hi penguin friends, I guess this is it huh [insert Kazoo Kid fun fun fun gif]. I’m sure that this retirement may seem rushed and sudden to some of you, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about doing for a while now. I only told like three people about it,…

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For today’s fangtastic EU event we woke from our crypts and logged onto CPR – Ascent. In honour of it being Spooky Season, we donned our cloaks and flew like bats around the island doing tactics and emotes. Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended! Fight…

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Today we logged onto Tuxedo on CPArmies for our US uniformed training event. We worked on doing quick tactics and sharp formations to prepare for the first battle of the Fight or Fright Halloween tournament taking place this upcoming Sunday. Fantastic job today rebels! MAX: 51 AVG: 50 Don’t forget to…

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