Avast mateys!

It be time for the Pirate Party on Club Penguin Journey ya scallywags! Batten down the hatches and make sure the deck be swabbed spotless, the RNM Club Penguin News Team has a lot to cover on this anticipated adventure as we set sail into the sea!

Rockhopper’s Introduction

The first thing that will catch you attention is Rockhopper’s welcoming message to the party to show his appreciation for helping him with the Migrator.

Be sure to check back on those dates for updates in the guide below!

Scavenger Hunt

To start the scavenger hunt for the missing map pieces, click on the map icon on the upper right corner of your screen to see the clues.

Below is a list of the locations for each map piece:

1. “Two boats combined that make violet. Hidden by an anchor, you may find it.” (Snow Forts)

2. “Did anyone else feel that draft? This next map piece is on a raft.” (Docks)

3. “This piece is caught in the trees! Using a ladder will make it a breeze.” (Mine shack)

4. “A cold place contains objects of old. Lift up a rock, if you’d be bold.” (Underground pool; click on the stone to reveal the map piece)

5. “Do a pirate jig on the floor! But not ’till you find this piece before.” (Dance Club)

6. “The last piece is in a sea of pink. It’s probably sticky now, don’t ya think?” (Light House)

When you collect all the map pieces, click on the ‘Claim Prize’ box to get Rockhopper’s Treasure Map.

Once you collected it, you can access the full version of the map in the Awards section of your inventory.

As can be seen from the map, it seems the location of Rockhopper’s treasure is near a fire… head on to Cove! Once you get there, hover over the shovel near the fire for it to start digging for the treasure.

Click on the dug up chest to get a Pirate Straw Hat!

Journey to Swashbuckler Trading Post

Once you’ve completed the map scavenger hunt, go meet Rockhopper at the Migrator through the Beach to start your journey at sea.

Once on the ship, you will earn the “Out At Sea” stamp.

You can click on map to see the route mapped out for our journey.

When the ship docks, Rockhopper will give you instructions on what supplies to get once off the ship.

When you arrive on Swashbuckler Trading Post, you will need to talk to the Shop Keeper by clicking on them (they’re in the red square somewhere… I swear!)

Which will prompt a dialogue between Captain Crimson and Rockhopper, and reveal some items for sale (can be seen in Shops section below).

After you talk to the Shop Keeper, the supplies become available to be picked up. Click on the hanging plank to grab them.

Once you pick up the supplies, this will prompt a dialogue with Captain Crimson to reveal how to get red gems for the catalog.

When finished talking with the captain, report back to Rockhopper by going back to the Migrator.

Come back March 20th for the next part of the adventure!

Journey to Dinosaur Island

Time to get back to the Migrator and throw some snowballs, we’re setting sail to Dinosaur Island!

Exit the Migrator to prompt as dialogue with Rockhopper telling you to get the red gem from the island.

Once on the island, walk to the front of the temple and the cage will open by itself. Just simply click on the red gem to collect it.

Report back to Rockhopper on the Migrator.

Then, travel to Swashbuckler Trading Post.

Once arrived on the island, click on Captain Crimson to start a conversation and show him the gem.

It will prompt this dialogue sequence.

You can use these red gems to buy the items in the catalog on this island!

Come back on March 22nd for the last leg of the party!

Journey to Shipwreck Island

Time for the final part of this journey: head on over to the Migrator a final time and set the sails for Shipwreck Island!

Once you get off the ship, it will trigger this dialogue with Rockhopper.

To complete Rockhopper’s quest, click on the supplies on the top right corner three times to build the beacon.

Once you built it, you will receive a Shipwreck Beacon pin, and Rockhopper will thank you for your services.

Go into the cave, and hover over the Red Gem Sword to activate it. When it’s on the ground, click on it to start a prompt from Rockhopper, who will offer it to you as a thank you gift for helping him on this adventure.


There are also party catalogs you can click on to get new items for the road if you click on the bottom right corner of the screen…

… or by clicking on the shop keeper on the island!

If you travel to Dinosaur Island, you can also buy more items there by clicking on the bottom right corner of your screen to access the catalog!

Free Items

A party wouldn’t do without any free items, would it?

You can get a Sailor’s Hat by clicking on the giant treasure chest on the Ski Hill.

You can also get a Crew Cap by clicking on the ‘Free’ barrel at the Beach.

If you go into the cave in Shipwreck Island, click on the stone chest to get two free items: the Viking Lord Armor and the Viking Lord Helmet!

Be sure to check out the awesome March 2024 Penguin Style Catalog guide that has the finest pirate garbs right here !

And that’s all for now sailors! We hope ye enjoyed this guide, and it helped navigate across the activities and treasures that are in this party. If you’d like to stay in touch with tall the latest gossip and rumors going on around the seven seas, sail on over to our Discord server!

-Master DS | General 

Master DS

Lead from the heart, not the head.

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